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…Security, development of ports require special attention  Transport Minister, Robeson Benn, has said that there is need to enhance the shipping industry in Guyana,Cheap NBA Store, especially in light of the global financial crisis.Transport Minister, Robeson BennMinister Benn pointed out that what is occurring globally will have an impact on the industry with respect to shipping volumes, income and revenue expenditure.The Minister, who was addressing the first annual luncheon of the Shipping Association of Guyana,Authentic NBA T-shirts Canada, noted that the enhancement of the shipping industry is an ideal topic in the current international and national environment.He cited the need to adapt a dynamic posture in order to respond to the many changes which are taking place in the shipping community in the global economy.According to Minister Benn, stakeholders of the shipping industry need to put facilities and assets in place to be able to move Guyana’s products into the regional and international environment and bring in goods and services which will make it possible for Guyana to make the type of production that would realize the vision of development over the years.The Minister also cited the need to pay special attention to safety and security in the industry.He said that over the last decade, Guyana has acceded to the main international maritime conventions and has put in place those arrangements which gave a clear signal that Guyana has a specific and general commitment to maritime safety,Wholesale Jerseys, and preservation of the maritime environment in a sustainable manner.“These issues of maritime safety and environment are becoming more and more important.”He noted that piracy and terrorism are having a tremendous impact throughout the industry.“We have had our own issues nationally with respect to piracy….We have to pay attention to the issue of security and safety. We have had issues of that, particularly with small crafts with respect to loss of ships and personnel at sea and issues of terrorism.”According to Minister Benn,Cheap Jerseys From China, these are all issues that need attention so that there can be a safe and stable background for operators.Minister Benn added that special attention also needs to be paid to port infrastructure.He added that there are concerns with the quality of the ports, the access areas and issues of congestion.Minister Benn opined that in terms of the development of the port, there is need to conceptualize what the shipping industry and its infrastructural service needs would be over the next 50 or more years.“…We have to pay attention some times to sequester the land, the facilities and to put the regulations, laws and practices in place so we don’t run into larger problems and issues later…We need to look ahead to the next 25 – 50 years to see what the infrastructure needs will be,China Jerseys, what our population demographics will be,wholesale jerseys, what the layout will be, and what the facilities and arrangements leading into these facilities ought to be to be able to do it as efficiently as possible.”According to him, there have also been complains at every level with regard to limitation of draught in the Demerara ships channel.He added that recent estimations indicate that if the industry is to bring the channel to 6.5 metres, which is now the desired or optimum level against 1.5 million tonnes total import/ exports, it would require a levy in excess of $2 per ton to do the initial capital dredging and then the maintenance dredging over the first 18 months.This,Jerseys NBA China, he added, should see a reduction in freight cost into the country.The Minister proposed that the stakeholders together with the Maritime Administration (MARAD) discuss this issue, which he opined is a most crucial one now with respect to enhancing shipping in and out of Guyana.

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