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發表於 2018-7-25 07:43:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With plans to soon confer township status on Bartica in Region Seven, the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) is doing its part to upgrade the water distribution system there.  And such a project could cost as much as $100 million. Invitations for tenders are to be shortly advertised. And it is expected that the project will commence soon after tender and span aDr. Charles (at centre) interacts with residents.few months, allowing for improved water service by mid-year.Bartica reportedly has a population of over 15,000 and currently GWI is only able to offer a sectionalised water distribution service.  This translates to about a nine-hour daily water supply to the respective sections. These include: Avenues One to Seven; One to Four Miles, Potaro; Mongribba Hill, Carbese Hill and Byderabu.However, Five Miles, which was belatedly established by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), has not yet been eligible even for sectionalised water supply, despite having infrastructure to cater to this. Although GWI has been catering to water needs of residents there by trucking water to them, they have also been making use of a creek and rainfall. Reports are that there have been discussions to have the creek water purified.The residents of Bartica were on Sunday enlightened to the fact that their water situation is poised for immense improvement. A high level GWI team, led by Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Richard Van West Charles, visited the area and met with residents.He was accompanied by Director of Operations, Mr. Joseph Codette; Head of Technical Service, Mr. Dwayne Shako; Director of Infrastucture, Mr. Ramchand Jailall, Consultant, Mr. Lance Mars and Officer in Charge of Bartica, Mr. Elson Khirattie.Joining the GWI group were Regional Chairman, Mr. Gordon Bradford and Chairman of the Interim Management Committee, Mr. Gifford Marshall.The CEO apprised residents of plans to upgrade their water service, complete with a 24-hour supply. An upgrade of the existing treatment plan will moreover be undertaken, the residents were told.The team then headed over to Karrau, also in Region Seven,Chase Edmonds Jersey, to discuss plans for water distribution there. The area which is home to about 500 residents have never been afforded water supply from GWI, but Dr. Van-West Charles disclosed that he intends to make this a thing of the past.Karrau currently hasn’t got in place any pipeline structures, and over the years residents have been dependent on a creek for its potable water. But based on reports reaching the Chief Executive Officer, this sole water source has been contaminated by mining activities.It was for this reason that the GWI officials were accompanied by Mr. Derrick Lawrence of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) who has promised to give attention to the state of affairs.Discussions have also been had about the digging of about two or three wells for Karrau.The CEO on a previous visit to Region Seven had pledged to put measures in place to improve the water delivery service, a commitment that residents fully embraced and were only too happy to hear that a tangible project will soon be underway.Dr. Charles was appointed CEO of GWI last year October.

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