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Alex Formenton Jersey EPA









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發表於 2018-7-25 12:07:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A US-based Guyanese is pleading with the relevant authorities for help. She has already made numerous complaints of excessive noise and fumes emanating from a generator operated by Swansea/ Brutal Tracks Recording,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Sale, located at 166 Waterloo Street, Georgetown.Desiree Beyounge, who resides at 167 Waterloo Street, Georgetown, is contending that she has made numerous efforts to solve this on going problem that is discomforting her in her home, but justice has not been served.According to Beyounge, she wrote a letter to Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, requesting help, but that has proven futile. She noted that the matter was placed before the High Court, but the judicial system has failed her too.“I’m disappointed with how the law serves justice with the nationals…so much money spent on lawyers and still no results,” said BeyoungeShe indicated that she made several reports to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) but she was poorly assisted.Beyounge said that the Enviromental Protection Agency sent a letter to her, stating that it had conducted an investigation at the Brutal Tracks Studio and that Brutal Tracks has complied with the agency’s recommendations of acquiring mufflers for the generator. However, another letter will be sent to the company,Air Max 97 Gold, requesting that Brutal Tracks install an exhaust stack above the tallest building in the compound,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, to mitigate fume emission into the environment.Beyounge noted that to date, the generator is still lying on the ground in Swansea’s compound; hence she had to seal the rooms in her house to keep out the fumes.“I’m living like a prisoner…I can’t open my windows for fresh air to blow in,Adam Shaheen Jersey,” said Beyounge.Christian Duncan, the manager of Swansea, said that he is aware of the complaints made by Beyounge. He said that the matter was placed before the court,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, but that the judge dismissed the case.He added that representatives from EPA and the police force investigated the premises,Air Max 97 NZ, but found no faults.

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