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發表於 2018-7-26 22:56:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) has embarked on a pilot survey to reduce the instances of non-revenue water.According to Head of Field Services, Sunildat Barran,Adidas Ultra Boost Shoes Cheap, non-revenue water is water for which GWI does not generate revenue and can be placed under two categories which are technical and commercial losses.  He explained that the technical losses occur when water is lost through breakages and leaks in the distribution system, as well as wastage by customers.  He further stated that the commercial losses encompass incorrect meter readings, billing inaccuracies as well as inaccurate customer information.“We intend to correct all these obstacles through the pilot survey,” stated Barran, “this will be done through visits to customers’ homes in order to verify their account information, ensure that meters are providing accurate readings and other activities related to reducing the amount of non-revenue water.”He stated that the study will be executed in several areas including sections of East Berbice, Cotton Tree, West Berbice, Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara, Silver Town, Linden, Goed Fortuin, West Demerara and Lima, Essequibo.  He noted that communities in Georgetown and East Bank Demerara will be added to the pilot areas later in the year.  Barran also explained that following the results of the initial survey, GWI plans to include more pilot areas with the aim of eliminating the loss of revenue through leaks and wastage.The Field Services head explained that another objective of the Pilot Study is to determine the actual value of non-revenue water in particular areas since GWI depends heavily on estimated figures for water lost via wastage and leaks.“This study will assist us by providing real-time data to calculate the actual amount of non-revenue water in the pilot areas identified for the study,” stated Barran, “it is imperative that we determine the actual value of non-revenue water and take necessary action to reduce the occurrence.”GWI customers who reside in the identified areas can expect monthly visits from GWI personnel who will be conducting various exercises including testing the accuracy of meters, requesting account information, verifying the addresses of customers and ensuring that water service connections are not leaking.“The goal of the study is to reconcile the service the customers are receiving with what GWI is producing via its various water production sites including well stations and water treatment facilities,” Barran explained.Barran insisted that GWI customers will benefit from improved customer service following the success of the survey.  “We are asking all GWI customers to partner with us, as this survey will significantly aid GWI in providing an enhanced level of service to customers country-wide.”

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