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Scott Darling Jersey ebuhg2eb









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發表於 2017-1-8 12:28:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana-born Sir Shridath Ramphal,Ivan Luis Zamorano Jersey, the Commonwealth Secretary-General from 1975 to 1990,Sergio Busquets Jersey, received the Commonwealth Life Time Achievement Award 2013 during a Gala Ceremony in London on Thursday.Sir Shridath is the second recipient of the award which was first bestowed on the legendary Nelson Mandela last year.Organised by Nexus Strategic Partnerships,Jose Rojas Jersey, the award was delivered to Sir Shridath by the present Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma before an audience of some 200 personsSir Shridath Ramphal with his award.representing various organisations in the Commonwealth.The citation of the Award recalled that “Nelson Mandela said of Sir Shridath that he is one of those men who have become famous because in their fight for human justice,Paulo Garces Chile Jersey, they have chosen the entire world as their theatre”.It continued: “Elected three times by Commonwealth Heads of Government, he served for 15 momentous years as Commonwealth Secretary-General – the only person to have so enjoyed the confidence and trust of leaders over so long a time.”The Guyanese placed the Commonwealth at centre-stage in the common challenges that confronted the world and he effectively fashioned a consensus that allowed the Commonwealth – even though it could not negotiate for the world – to help the world to negotiate.Under his stewardship,Gerard Gumbau Barcelona Jersey, the Commonwealth tackled the issues of poverty and development,Claudio Bravo Jersey, of climate change and disarmament,Gerard Pique Jersey, of bridging the divide between countries of the North and South and seeking new paths for international co-operation.He believes in the oneness of humanity.“He led an unremitting Commonwealth struggle against racism in Southern Africa and in particular against apartheid in South Africa.  He led that struggle with political acumen – often appealing to people over the heads of reluctant leaders – and bound together the Commonwealth’s values of democracy and development,Miiko Albornoz Chile Jersey, and of human rights and human advancement,” a statement said.At the Commonwealth Secretariat,Thomas Vermaelen Barcelona Jersey, he focused on change and renewal – constantly ensuring that the Commonwealth was relevant not only to the people of its own member states but also to the global community.“The Commonwealth owes more than it can repay to the tireless endeavours and creative statesmanship of the recipient of the 2013 Commonwealth Life Time Achievement Award to Sir Shridath Ramphal”.

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