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Students in Berbice who are on the verge of writing their CSEC examination in May/June 2011 were recently the recipient of financial assistance, compliments of an overseas-based group.The group, which is based in Toronto, Canada, is the Berbice Children Network Corporation (BCRNC) and comprises former residents of Berbice,Adidas Shoes On Sale, mainly New Amsterdam.The group’s motto is “Adopt a child’s education”. The main aim is to place emphasis on children’s needs, the most important of which is education.Recently representative of the group in Guyana,Nike Roshe Run For Cheap, Paulette Bynoe, made the symbolic presentation to about 20 students from various schools in New Amsterdam.The students were selected from among those with ability, but had some financial challenges.The presentation ceremony was done in the chambers of the Mayor of New Amsterdam, Claude Henry.The group paid for more than 100 subjects.Detailing a background to the group ,Air Max Shoes For Sale,Ms Bynoe stated that Ms Joan Bryan,Anthony Stolarz Jersey, a Berbician who resides in the USA,Cheap Air Max Shoes, and is involved in charity work, visited Canada to do a fund raising activity.She invited some of her Guyanese friends and associates to be a part of the activity. During the event a challenge was thrown out to have a chapter formed in Canada. That challenge was taken up and thus was born the Toronto chapter on December 3, 2006.A number of fund raising ventures were held so as to raise funds including a Family Day and a walk-a-thon.Since its formation the group has been assisting residents back home. In the first year the members provided school supplies to 64 children in the Berbice region. The supplies consist of bag packs and uniforms.In the second year they distributed clothing to needy families in Berbice along with books and toys. They also launched a computer and reading programmes with assistance from the Toronto Board of education.This reading programme was given a special name “Reading is essential”. This programme, Ms Bynoe said,Authentic Atlanta Falcons Jersey, was a great success.The organization stated that “(its members) strongly believe in education and the future of our young people”.They hold the children and their future near and dear to their hearts,Adidas Ultra Boost Shoes Cheap, stating that “they are our future, they are Guyana’s future. So don’t waste a great mind”.The members of the group have thrown out a promise to the students, that should their performance be of an exemplary nature, they would be sponsored through University.The president of the Organization is Penelope Bynoe-Young while Pamela Joseph is the secretary Treasurer.Mayor Claude Henry thanked Ms Bynoe and asked her to express her gratitude to members of the overseas chapter.He also challenged the students to make full use of the lifeline offered to them and encourage them to do their best.

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