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發表於 2018-7-27 08:48:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana Power and Light Company is experiencing major mechanical problems at its power station on the West Coast of Demerara, thus the constant power outages being experienced by residents in the various communities. Kaieteur News was yesterday informed by the control department of GPL that there is not enough generation capacity in the system; as a result there is no choice but to shut the system down.CEO of GPL, Bharat Dindyal. During the course of last week,Cheap NHL Jerseys, residents on the West Coast of Demerara have been experiencing power outages not once per day or week as was the case before,Cheap Air Force 1, but every day, and sometimes two to three times within a day.This newspaper was also told by the person in charge of the control department at that time that on most occasions, there would be a ‘trip’ in the system,Air Max 98 Gundam Release Date, which is another cause for the blackouts being experienced.It was also noted that during peak hours, especially during the nights, the system would not have the capacity to supply enough electricity to the residents. The personnel told this newspaper that this is not a deliberate act by the power company, but that the fault lies within the problematic machines.However, he said, steps are being taken to rectify the situation.When contacted yesterday, for a comment on the situation,Cheap Capitals Jerseys, Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL), Bharat Dindyal, refused to state the reasons why residents on the West Coast of Demerara are experiencing the constant power outages. Mr. Dindyal asked for Kaieteur News to state the time when the residents experienced the power outages so that he can verify the reports. Dindyal also requested the names of the residents who complained about the power outages so that he can also verify these reports.However,Air Max 98 Gundam 2018, this newspaper also understands that it is not only West Coast residents that are plagued with this situation, but also residents in Georgetown,Air Max Shoes For Sale, East Bank and East Coast Demerara.

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