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Air Max 90 Essential White And Black Womens CJIA









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發表於 2018-7-27 09:40:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three employees were dismissed from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) after they were found soliciting money from passengers, while on duty.The three sacked employees have been identified as two ramp attendants and an Airline security staff,Anthony Stolarz Jersey, who had worked over the past two weeks.Chief Executive Officer of CJIA, Ramesh Ghir,Ben Chiarot Jersey, said that although the persons involved are not directly employed by the airport, the penalty given to them is in keeping with the airport’s zero-tolerance approach to any such act, which only serves to tarnish the reputation of the Corporation and its Stakeholders.Ghir stressed that under CJIA’s rulebook, stealing and soliciting passengers for money are serious offences.“It is my hope that others,Cristian Ansaldi Jersey, who are tempted to bend the rules will see that we mean business. CJIA will not condone such gross dishonesty,” he declared.Against this backdrop, passengers are being urged to demand receipts for payments made at check-in, and encouraged to report all requests for money or bribery by staff of the airport.Further, passengers should also note that there is no additional charge for carrying frozen or cooked foods in their baggage,Nike Tns Cheap Online, unless they are overweight.CJIA is advising passengers to report any misconduct of its staff to the Supervisors or Managers of the respective Airlines or the Airport Duty Office (ADO) on telephone numbers 592-261-2261/600-7022.Caribbean Airlines Airport Manager, Carl Stuart,Cheap Anaheim Ducks Hoodies, commended CJIA’s management for taking such action. “Actually we support and respect any initiative put in place to improve the customer experience.”He added that CAL has a strict policy for monetary transactions. There is a designated agent for that purpose, and signages advising passengers to collect receipts that are visible.Apart from the ticketing desk, the Departure Tax Office,Nike Air Max Zero Black, Red Cap Porters and Secure Wrapping Service are the only other channels where money should be exchanged.

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