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發表於 2018-7-27 12:14:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With the Child Protection Act in place there still appears to be a high number of child abuse cases reported, statistics from the Child Protection Agency revealed.In a recent interview with this publication, Director of the Child Protection Agency Ms. Ann Green said that for last year the agency dealt with a total of one thousand and eighty seven cases of child abuse. This figure covers abuse in all forms including sexual and verbal.In addition, to that figure, some 360 victims had to be removed from their homes and placed in ‘safe homes’. According to Ms. Green, almost all of their options as it relates to safe homes were exhausted last year.“We have had to seek assistance from foster care, orphanages, extended families, care centers and the list goes on.”However, this year Ms Green said a new approach will be taken to deal with the issue which is becoming rampant in our society.“We intend to take a different approach. Separating a child from the only home that child has ever known is difficult, so what we want to do this year is work with families, dysfunctional families that is.”According to Ms. Green, this year more social workers will be employed to work with families who are willing to rethink their parenting skills, rethink their disciplinary measures among other things.Green however noted that it will be up to the families since in past instances families have not been cooperative.“What you find is that mothers are in denial. They would know that their daughters are being molested but refuse to report it or they just refuse to believe it and that’s the problem and we need to make them a part of the solution.”Green stressed that parents need to be strong enough to come forward and report the abuses and they should be ready to testify if the matter engages the attention of the court.   According to Green,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, another problem facing the Agency is the fact that some children are oblivious to the fact that they are being abused.“You have children who don’t want to be separated from their parents, they love their parents and in their eyes their parents aren’t doing anything wrong.”Meanwhile, Green said it is her hope that all the relevant authorities that deal with child protection will continue to collaborate in order to deal with the situation.“The Act is there to protect children and deal with offenders and we need to use it.”

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