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[PS3] NCAA Basketball Jerseys and taken to her home on West Coast Demerara.However









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發表於 2018-7-30 12:12:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Five arrested… .The shocking revelations of three sexually molested sisters aged nine, eight and seven years have led to the arrest of five men from the village of Logwood, Enmore, and bad blood between the victims’ parents and their neighbours.The three sisters who are currently hospitalized had fingered several males in the Enmore community as sexually molesting them,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, causing them significant physical damage.So severe is the physical damage that a doctor has described it as devastating. He says that the girls are unlikely to get children of their own.But while the parents of the children as well as officials from the Ministry of Human Services are convinced that the children were sexually assaulted, neighbours were adamant that the men from their village were wrongfully implicated.Among the five persons detained are a 53-year-old man and a physically challenged resident who is wheelchair-bound. The big question now is when did the assaults occur?The children were removed from their Enmore home last July by an aunt, Maureen, and taken to her home on West Coast Demerara.However, their condition was only discovered earlier this month, by chance. The three girls are from a family of eight children.According to Maureen, in July last year, she took the decision to take care of the three girls after observing the deplorable conditions under which they lived.The children’s parents are known to drink excessively and there are reports that the children are left unattended and hungry for many days.From time to time these children would rely on good natured neighbours for a meal. It is believed that this situation led to persons taking advantage of the children.The children were subsequently enrolled at a school on the West Demerara and it was there that the revelations broke.Maureen told this newspaper that on February 9, this year, she received some information that her nine-year-old niece was seen in a compromising position with a male student at the school.Upon questioning the child she realized that the girl was evasive.Maureen said that she pressed further,Air Max 97 2018, enquiring from her niece if she was sexually molested before.There and then the shocking details were revealed.The children told episodes of being sexually molested by neighbours who are grown men with wives.In fact they revealed the names of about 15 persons from the Logwood, Enmore community who had molested them.According to Maureen, the children revealed that neighbours would call them to do little chores in exchange for food.However when the chores were completed, the children would be coerced into performing oral and anal sex.They also spoke of being made to smoke marijuana which was given to them by the alleged molesters.So shocking were the revelations that the following day, February 10, their aunt contacted the Ministry of Human Services and provided the details.The children, when interviewed by the Ministry’s official, repeated the names of the alleged predators.The police were subsequently called into the matter and the children were sent for a medical examination.What was revealed was even more shocking.According to the aunt, the doctor at the West Demerara Hospital revealed that the children were so badly damaged that they required immediate hospitalization. They remain in hospital.“He said that they were so badly damaged, he has to try to see if he can fix them back. He told me that I cannot take them home. He said it was like if you open a window and looking straight through it,” the children’s aunt told this newspaper.She said that tests are being carried out on the nine-year-old since it is suspected that she might be pregnant.“I see they belly swelling and they vomiting all the time. I tried with them before but they were not getting better.” Maureen said.The children’s parents were subsequently contacted by officials from the Human Services Ministry. They were also questioned by the police.The children’s father said he was unaware of their plight until his sister made the disclosure to him. His sister said that he had no interest in his children.He said that before they were taken to West Demerara he would normally leave his children at home while he and his wife went to work.The father stated that he is aware that the neighbours would call his children over and give them food after inducing them with small amounts of cash.He said that he never suspected that his children were being molested since they showed no signs of discomfort when they were living at Enmore with him.“You see, the children they never come and tell me nothing because they know that me is a serious father. They never come and tell we nothing so we didn’t know wha going on,” the children’s father told Kaieteur News.He denied making up the story of molestation,David Njoku Jersey, claiming that it was his children who revealed the names of the members in the community who had molested them.“If they (the children) de come forward and tell me this, I would’a step quick into it. You know, is something that I never know and I never see,” he added.He said that as a father he has let his children down.“When they grow,Nike Air Max Zero Black, they gon can’t mek children because they badly damaged. I terribly sorry about it because is me girl children,” the children’s father said.Even as he was speaking to reporters at his home yesterday, several neighbours gathered a short distance away to give their side of the story.Sukie,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale, whose 16-year-old son is among the persons arrested, said that it was strange that the matter only came to light long after the children moved from the area.She said that when the police came for her son he was not at home but he subsequently presented himself to the police at Cove and John in the company of his father.The neighbours believe that the whole thing might be a scheme to get money from them for an amicable settlement.They said that the children’s mother has hinted that the persons in custody might have been wrongfully implicated, but she is afraid to come clean since she fears a beating from her husband.“All awee used to help them and now dem turn back pon awee. Dem accuse everybody. De matter is a cook up thing,Adrian Wilson Cardinals Jersey,” Sukie said.Channo, whose son is also in custody said, “If it de happen here they could’a see it from before.”Urmilla’s 45-year-old husband is also locked up at the Cove and John Police Station, so too is the 52-year-old husband of another resident who gave her name as Sattie.“Mother and father ah drink rum and don’t have time with dem pickney and dem ah involve other people in this thing,” Sattie stated.Police at Cove and John confirmed that they have detained five persons for questioning into the matter.The incident has clearly brought about a division in the community with many residents vowing not to involve themselves anymore with the children.“If I didn’t intervene, these children wouldn’t ah live to be teenagers,” Maureen told this newspaper.

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