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Alexis Sanchez Jersey the death came as a shock









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發表於 2018-7-30 13:45:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Jenelle CarterJacqueline Vieira, the mother of Natasha Vieira who was murdered in the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Psychiatric Ward on Saturday morning, says her daughter would have been alive today if she could have afforded to take care of her. The mother of two said she learnt of her daughter’s death after looking at a newscast on Saturday evening. Jacqueline told this newspaper that, if she could have done things differently, she would have found a way to take care of her daughter.According to the woman, leaving Natasha at the Georgetown Hospital was one of the toughest decisions she has ever had to make in her life. The woman recalled that Natasha’s father left when she was one year old and her other sister, Nikita, was just a few months old.“From the time Natasha was born we knew she was retarded, but as she started to grow we knew she was not mad… it’s just that she needed special attention,Adam Foote Jersey,” Jacqueline said.She recalled that it was not easy caring for Natasha and her younger sister as a single mother without a job.“I had to go find a job,World Cup Jerseys 2018, which I did, and I would leave Natasha with relatives; but when I go back to see her, there would be visible signs that my daughter was being physically abused,” the woman said. She recalled one incident when her daughter was left with a friend, and when she went to check on the child she noticed burn marks on her daughter’s arms.“After I saw that I decided to stay at home with Natasha. I could have cared for her and given her the attention she needed, but financially I was unable to care for my two daughters,” she added.Some time later, Jacqueline again made a decision to find a job in an effort to make a better life for her two daughters.“I went to Kwakwani to look for a job and I left Natasha with some very good friends, and when I came back they told me they took her to the hospital…she was only nine, and a doctor told me that was the best place for her, but in the meantime try to find a home for her.” Jacqueline said she and other relatives tried getting Natasha into several children’s homes but were turned down, and as a result Natasha was left in the care of nurses at the Georgetown Hospital.The aggrieved mother described her daughter as an affectionate person who craved attention.She is adamant that the young woman would never interfere with anyone. According to Jacqueline, after her daughter became older, the decision was made by authorities at the hospital to take her into the Psychiatric Ward. She never agreed with this decision,Cheap Air Max 90, but had to choice.“I never abandoned Natasha. I was just looking after her best interest. I honestly knew I could not take care of her…but I would visit her from time to time and take whatever she needed and whatever she called for,” the grieving woman recalled.She related that soon after her daughter was transferred to the Psychiatric Ward, she noticed signs that the young woman was being physical abused.The woman recalled that one time she went to visit her daughter and saw bite marks on her daughter’s breasts.When she enquired from the nurses, she said, she was told “Dem does fight bad in here”. The woman said she was told by the many nurses who grew fond of Natasha that her daughter was never troublesome, but other patients picked on her.On the day Natasha died, she was reportedly lying on her bed when she was attacked. The incident has left questions in her mother’s mind as well as the fear for other patients’ lives.“Where were the nurses? Where were the security guards? I think it’s negligence that caused my daughter’s death,” Jacqueline stated. She also questioned why the woman who killed her daughter is still being housed at the hospital instead of the Fort Canje mental institution. The woman said she has not yet received any official word from the Georgetown Hospital as to what really transpired.     Meanwhile,Cheap Air Max 270, for Natasha’s younger sister Nikita,Aaron Ekblad Jersey, the death came as a shock, even as she celebrated her birthday yesterday.“Today is my birthday, and the day before my birthday I heard that my sister was killed… I cried, because we were planning to go see her in the hospital…it would have been easier if she died of natural causes,Authentic NBA Store, but the fact that she was killed is hard to accept, because she didn’t deserve that,” Nikita said with teary eyes.Natasha was allegedly strangled with a piece of cloth by another patient of the Psychiatric Ward sometime around 4:00 hours on Saturday, after being beaten by the same woman. Another patient of the ward brought the incident to the nurses’ attention.Sources said that Natasha was strangled on her bed, dragged into the bathroom and left under the shower for almost half an hour. Another patient went to the bathroom and turned off the shower.At that point, the woman who strangled Natasha went back to the bathroom and dragged her back to her bed, where she was left.

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