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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-7-31 09:28:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)Terry Benn, was formally handed command of Base Camp Stephenson to Lt Col Ramkarran Doodnauth, on August 28. The formalisation of the new command occurred at the Change of Command Parade which was held at the Base Camp Stephenson.Lt. Col Benn’s military experiences began with his enlistment in the National Cadet Corps of the Guyana National Service (GNS) where he rose to become a Cadet Leader. This son of a farmer, travelled to the GNS facility at Kimbia, as a Cadet Leader, where, mistaken for an Officer, he was roundly saluted by a Pioneer. That, he declared, was the defining moment which stoutly set his mind along the path of embracing a military career, much to his mother’s chagrin. “She had hoped that I would become a doctor or a lawyer,” he recalled. Yet, he did not immediately gravitate to the military, choosing first to clerk at the then Guyana Rice board, and later take a job at the National Insurance Scheme. Despite the detour, the military beckoned, and, at the invitation of then Prime Minister,NFL Jerseys 2018, Dr Ptolemy Reid, enlisted in the GDF.Lt Col Benn served under all eight Executive Presidents and Commanders in Chief, and under the command of six Chiefs of Staff. “During the 36 years of my service, I have served under some very good leaders and I have had many good soldiers under my command. It was an honour to have served with and alongside such men and women who made the necessary sacrifices and placed the good of the nation and organisation above the needs of their relatives, friends and families. I am proud to have served this organisation and my country!” he said.Speaking of his imminent retirement from the Force, Lt Col Benn said that this is the time for the youth to step up. “It is my fervent belief that they are more than up to the task. I have every reason to believe that the GDF will continue to distinguish itself as an organisation worthy of the nation’s expenditure. After all, the GDF is the stable band in this country!” he noted. “To the leaders I leave behind, remember that the GDF is a family and your soldiers are members of that family. Teach them the family traditions: who we are, what we have done, where we have been, and what makes us different from ordinary. Communicate. Make sure they understand the message. Be open to their ideas. Treat them with respect and help them to grow into respectable citizens of this great nation!” he added.The outgoing Base Commander urged his successor to embrace the adventure ahead of him. “It will be a nerve-racking experience. All of your training and experience will be brought to bear. Your success will be determined by your ability to mould your staff into cohesive well-oiled machinery, capable of delivering timely and quality service to all the Units housed on the Base.”Lt Colonel Benn thanked all the Officers and ranks who played a part in his professional development and sustenance. He remarked that without all their efforts at guidance, discipline, teaching and being supportive, he would not have achieved much neither would he have made any significant contributions to the Force. He urged all the members of the force to make the most of their career with the GDF. “Accept every challenge; seek out every adventure and make good memories!”The Chief of Staff, officers and other ranks thank Lt Col Benn for his selfless and superlative service to the GDF and Guyana and wish him well in his future endeavours.

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