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發表於 2018-7-31 16:59:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), has accused the ruling party of being reluctant to deal with corruption.According to APNU’s Lance Carberry, while there are growing concerns by citizens over the growth of corruption, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) remains unfazed. He refused to be drawn into comments as to whether APNU is considering a vote of no confidence in Parliament against the PPP/C.Carberry was yesterday responding to questions in relation to last weekend’s resignation of PPP’s Executive Member, Ralph Ramkarran.Ramkarran came under fire in an executive committee meeting last Friday for his stance on corruption, which he outlined in the party’s newspaper, The Mirror.“It is unfortunate that the PPP/C, as a party, seems not to be too concerned as the rest of us,China NFL Jerseys, and therefore what we see is that Mr. Ramkarran has become a victim of seeking to have the truth exposed,” Carberry said.Ramkarran’s resignation had come at a time when the party is attempting to reassert itself as a result of the loss of its parliamentary majority in last November’s General and Regional Elections.According to Carberry, corruption has severely affected Guyana’s credibility.“That is really what has happened, and it is very unfortunate that a situation like that has occurred, where we have gotten to the stage in our history where nobody in the world respects any document coming from Guyana. If you submit a document, people want all sorts of verification.”The APNU official said that the ruling PPP/C has a responsibility to tackle corruption as it has been in government for almost two decades.“It is that level of corruption that has seeped into the country, and I believe that the PPP/C which has been in office for over 20 years has a responsibility to this country to deal with the corruption very frontally but they seemed to be very reluctant…they seem to be in a denial mode…seeking to deny that there is corruption.”Carberry was unclear what evidence the government may be seeking before it addresses the issue of corruption.“I don’t know what additional evidence they need to prove to themselves that there is corruption, so really I think we are very sympathetic that Mr. Ramkarran has become a victim.”Meanwhile, questioned about whether APNU, a 10-party coalition that contested the November elections, was considering a no confidence vote against PPP/C in Parliament, Carberry was not yet willing to commit the body.“The opposition will have to consider very carefully how to deal with something like that. I really would not want to anticipate what they will do at the moment. The opposition as a whole will have to consider this carefully.”There have not been any instances where public officers have been jailed for taking bribes in Guyana.However, recently the head of the state-owned television and radio company, NCN, resigned and his deputy was suspended after payments from a client was routed through the personal account of the latter.

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