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發表於 2018-8-1 08:04:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Samuel WhyteA new million-dollar mini mall, the first of its kind in Ancient County of Berbice,Stitched Jerseys, has the latest facilities. There is an Apollo Lounge and a Canje Pheasant Restaurant. This facility was, on Friday, opened in Berbice by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds at a lavish commissioning ceremony.The newly opened mall in BerbiceThe edifice which is owned by overseas-based Guyanese and former national volleyball stalwart ,  Charles “Wheels” Henry, also known as Charles Bristol, is situated at Main and Lad Lane in New Amsterdam.The massive four-storey edifice which is the first of its kind in Berbice brings some splendor and life back to New Amsterdam.The structure also has a Multipurpose Hall that caters for all occasions including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, conferences, sports, jazz, and a VIP Lounge in the Attic on the Upper Floor. There is an adjoining porch on the wings that overlook New Amsterdam and the Berbice River. The bottom floor has a number of businesses including a restaurant, beer garden, a pharmacy and DHL services.Prime Minister Samuel Hinds in his address said that he flew hundreds of miles straight from the Interior to fulfill a commitment to be a part of the history-making event.He congratulated Mr. Henry and his family for the achievement. He stated that persons like Henry are what Guyana needs at the moment.  “As a remigrant you have contributed tremendously to growth and development of this country. Guyana needs more like you.”After cutting the ribbon to officially declare the building open, accompanied by Mayor Claude Henry, Regional Vice Chairman Bhoopaul Jagroop and proprietor Charles Henry, the Prime Minister was given an extensive tour of the facility.Henry, on his return home some fours year ago, pondered on a number of projects that would bring benefits to the residents.  He stated that after assessing the situation he decided that he should contribute to the all-round improvement of Guyana, thus his venture into business.The staff is under the tutelage and watch full eye of award winning retired Education Officer and Home Economist tutor Katherine Archer and retired Home Economics Mistress Ms Roxanne Ward promises to offer a lot.

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