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The Caricom Development Fund is ‘up and running,’ as regional countries begin to make requests for usage of those funds, Head of the Caricom Secretariat, Dr. Edwin Carrington, has said.Speaking to the local and regional media at an end-of-year press conference, Dr. Carrington said that the Development Fund was launched in July with an amount of some US$67M.The headquarters of the Fund is located in Barbados, and consists of ten members. Since its establishment, there have been two board meetings, as a number of the operational procedures are being put in place.At present, work is being done on fine-tuning the headquarters’ agreement and recruiting key members of staff.While the Fund is at its construction phase, countries will have full access to finances by mid-year.At present, no country has ‘dipped’ into the fund, but there have been a few requests, which will be examined and evaluated, according to Fund member, Dr Maurice Odle.Addressing the process of the Single Market and Economy within the region, Dr. Carrington said that 2008 was earmarked as the year for establishing the framework for the single economy.In order to give concrete expression to the single economy and the single development vision, he said, preparatory work continued on what is called the ‘strategic plan for regional development.’These works are being spearheaded by the Caricom Secretariat and the OECS Secretariat.He added that, in January last, the Competitions Commission was initiated at its headquarters in Paramaribo, Suriname, with seven commissioners. That Commission is now in its initial process of operations.With regards to the single economy, the Secretary-General said, there have been draft agreements for the Caricom Investment Code and the Caricom Financial Services.These, he said, have already been sent out to Heads of Government for their consideration and signature.In addition, work continued with the regional stakeholders on the issue of Fiscal Policy Harmonization.Dr Carrington pointed out that this is crucial if the region is going to have the convergence of its economies in such a way as to eventually arrive at a single economy.Meanwhile,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, only a small number of persons have been denied entry into Caricom Member States under the Free Movement provision in the Caricom Single Market and Economy.The statistics reveal that, during the period of January to March, Jamaica admitted 9,100 visitors while rejecting 11. Trinidad and Tobago accepted 62,300 persons and rejected 455. Between January and June, Barbados accepted 85,682 and rejected 600.Apart from travelling on fraudulent documentation, persons were rejected entry on the grounds of not having sufficient funds to maintain themselves, and not being able to provide any information about addresses at which they were going to stay.

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