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Cheap NFL Jerseys China who are investigating this case









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發表於 2018-8-2 07:11:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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More than a year has passed and the police are yet to make an arrest for the murder of 30-year-old Candy Rawlins, whose nude body with a stab wound to the neck, was found in her Crane,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, West Coast Demerara (WCD) home.Dead: Candy RawlinsWanted: Vidol Anthony RawlinsHer husband, Vidol Anthony Rawlins, who confessed to the murder in a letter he left near her body,Cheap Jerseys, disappeared hours after the police had found her corpse.Kaieteur News was told that the police had searched a number of homes, including that of his relatives after persons called and provided details but they failed to locate him.Detectives,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who are investigating this case, are calling on members of the public to contact the nearest police station if they have any information on the whereabouts of Rawlins.A relative of the dead woman,Alex Pietrangelo Jersey, Dale LaRose, had said that they had received information that one of the man’s siblings was hiding him.The relative explained that the individual went to the vacant house which the couple once shared and removed Rawlins’ clothes and working tools.There are also reports that persons saw the alleged killer leaving his sibling’s home on numerous occasions.“After he killed my cousin, then we hear that he killed he ex-wife and went in jail for seven years before,” La Rose said.He also expressed dissatisfaction with the way the police are investigating this case.“First of all, after this man killed her, he called a taxi. The police could have gotten a print out of the phone bill and called back the taxi and let the driver direct them to where he drop off Rawlins,” the relative suggested.According to a police source close to the investigation,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Rawlin’s 11-year-old daughter informed them that she was in her room when she heard her stepfather demanding sex from her mother.She said that she “did not take the noise too serious” because constant quarrelling was a norm in the home.“She said she went back to sleep. The next day when she awoke the stepfather taped her mouth and tied her up in a chair,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale,” a police source explained.He added that the 11-year-old girl claimed that she managed to untie herself after some time and she ran to her mother’s room.“When she see her mother, she start scream and she run and call out for the neighbours who then informed us,” the police source said.The search is still on for the construction worker.

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