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May 2, 2016INDENER KILLED IN HIGHWAY CRASHA Linden family was plunged into mourning after they received news of the death of their 45-year-old son and sibling, following an accident on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.The accident reportedly occurred in the vicinity of Bamia.The man, Rawle Elwin Adams, of the Linden Constabulary Compound, was on his way to Georgetown, but had reportedly turned around and was heading back to the mining town, when he met his death.September 12, 2016: Man dies, wife injured after car slams into truckThe Dundas family of Kuru-Kuru, on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway is now mourning the loss of a loved one after the car he was travelling in slammed into a truck that was reportedly seized from the Chinese company, BaiShanLin International Forest Development Inc., earlier that day.According to sources, the incident occurred around 21:00hrs on Sunday night, just past Kuru-Kuru.Dead is 41-year-old Carl Dundas, while his wife, 35-year-old Rona Dundas; and the 21-year-old driver, Nathan Heyligar,Cheap Jerseys Supply, were rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre. They were subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for further treatment.Rona Dundas suffered lacerations about her body and was discharged from the hospital yesterday. She told Kaieteur News that she and her husband, along with Heyligar and another female, whom she identified as Alana Barker, were in Yarrowkabra on the Highway participating in the Amerindian Heritage Celebrations when a call was made for them to return home.The distraught woman continued that her husband and Heyligar were imbibing and she was concerned about their safety. Questions, she said, were asked about Heyligar’s ability to take them home safe. However, they departed for Kuru-Kuru after some deliberation.Mrs. Dundas said that Heyligar began speeding on the highway. The woman said that she cautioned him twice but her warnings fell on deaf ears.“Carl was in the front seat and I hear him say, ‘Look the truck’ and that is all I remember,” she said.The injured driver told this publication that he tried his best to remember what exactly transpired; but all he can recall is slamming into the back of a truck – which he said, had no backlights.Sep 27, 2016: Woman dies as car topples on Soesdyke/Linden HighwayAbiola Gomes, 38, died today at the Linden Hospital Complex hours after she was admitted to the institution following an accident on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway.Gomes, a Crop Extension Officer attached to the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) and of Long Creek, Soesdyke-Linden Highway, was travelling in a CRV, PTT 1643 with 23-year-old Litesha Lindore and 31year-old Tyrone Phillips, when the vehicle toppled.According to the Commander of E Division, Senior Superintendent Calvin Brutus, the CRV driven by Phillips, also a Crop Extension Officer and of Cultivation Block Road, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, was apparently going at a fast rate when in the vicinity of Bamia, it hit a depression in the road and the driver lost control.“The car toppled several times. The left side of the vehicle is badly damaged. That is the same spot where two other accidents occurred earlier in the year and claimed the lives of Rawle Adams and police constable Ishaan Cain.”According to Senior Superintendent Brutus, he had spoken to the Regional Executive Officer about repairs to the road, but was told that the road came under the Ministry of Infrastructure and not the Region.Lindore was treated at the Linden Hospital Complex the released stated.Oct 01, 2016: Brothers killed in horrific accidentTwo young brothers were killed in a horrific accident this afternoon on the Friendship, East Bank Demerara (EBD) Public Road. The accident occurred shortly after 14:00 hrs.The brothers have been identified as Jonnel and Phillip Armstrong of Lot 119 Riverside Drive, Watooka, Linden.According to reports, the two brothers and a friend were heading to Linden in a Toyota Rav4 when they collided with a truck that was heading in the opposite direction.Reports are that the one of the brothers, who was the driver, lost control as he was negotiating a turn and ended up in the path of the truck. He was reportedly speeding.The driver of the truck managed to swerve but the Rav4 slammed into the side of the truck. The brothers were pronounced dead at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.The friend, who was in vehicle, is being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

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