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China Jerseys Cheap “And He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the childre









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發表於 2018-8-3 17:47:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Sharmain GraingerAlthough there are no clear-cut explanations as to what can lead to a dysfunctional family, there are certainly some glaring factors that perhaps do contribute. For instance, there is a high probably that a child born into a dysfunctional family will form one of his/her own.Megan George-BurganMoreover, a dysfunctional family is one in which conflict, misbehaviour, and often child neglect or abuse, on the part of individual parents, occurs continually and regularly. This could result in children not only accommodating, but even adopting such actions.And it was this very existence that Megan George-Burgan was desperately trying to steer her two young boys from when she discovered that not only was her family already dysfunctional, but it was on the very verge of inevitable collapse. Drastic corrective action was an absolute necessity. But how was she to realise this when she hadn’t the wherewithal or experience to overcome the associated challenges?Little did she know there was some hope for her family.Born Megan George, she was the second of three siblings born to her mother. The eldest was a boy who died at a very young age, leaving Megan’s mother with two girls to raise in the quiet community of La Grange,Chile Jersey, West Bank Demerara.Theirs was not an easy life, as according to Megan, not only had she never seen a father or even a stepfather around, but her mother worked very hard to make ends meet.“The truth is I don’t know how she maintained us, but she did it…she was the sole breadwinner,” said Megan of her mother.But although her mother was a hard worker who diligently ensured that her children were able to eat and were well-clothed, her efforts to acquire a shelter were not to be. Additionally, they were forced to take up residence at various family members.“After our grandparents died we had to move in with aunts and uncles…” said Megan who intimated that it certainly wasn’t the best of times.While her mother went out to work for hours (so much so that Megan and her younger sister hardly ever saw her),Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, life was developing into a major struggle for them. According to Megan,NHL Jerseys From China, she and her sister were required to engage in numerous odd-jobs as well.“We had to cook, clean and even sell…I can only thank God today that I am out of that life now,” said Megan as she reminisced on her past. She recounted how she was forced to drop out of school in order to care for a child her uncle had with his girlfriend. From all indications, the woman was not willing to care for the child, and therefore handed over full custody to the father.Being the motherly figure for a young child did nothing for her stability, a state of affairs which saw Megan indulging in adult activities at a relatively young age. In fact, by the age of 22, she was already the mother of two children of her own.But as she became older, she started embracing the desire to become a wife. Before long she and the father of her children were tying the knot and cohabiting at a Canal, West Bank Demerara residence.Marriage life started off nicely but soon developed into a fiasco as overwhelming problems, including infidelity started to surface. Unable to cope with the challenges, Megan opted to leave her matrimonial home at least six times. She had been married for 15 years.And it was during a period of her life when she was ready to fight for her marriage that something interesting developed.A woman not far from where Megan resided began inviting her to attend church.  At the time her children were around the ages of eight and 10, and it seem like a natural thing to take up the invitation.In fact Megan and her sons became actively involved in the church that even her eldest son was asked to recite a Bible verse at a special event that was being hosted by the church. Throughout the entire event her son fell fast asleep and thus was unable to undertake the role designated to him. It was however amazing that as soon as the function came to an end the boy was wide awake again.This was in fact cause for concern as it was over a period of time he had been having a severe memory lapse and appeared quite tired. Although her son was born normal and at first was able to retain just about anything naturally,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, by the time he was 10 that skill slowly started deteriorating. “He would go to school and don’t know what he was taught…he just wasn’t remembering things,” Megan recalled.Those at the church were certainly concerned about the child’s wellbeing and even encouraged Megan to take him for medical attention.  But since nothing was found medically wrong with the child, she was advised to the take him to church for special prayers. However, that did not materialise, which prompted Megan, who was by then a staunch believer in God, to start praying regularly for her son.Her motivation was also fuelled by the outcome of a counselling session with some of the church leaders. During that session, Megan recalled being asked if anything had happened when she was pregnant with her son, at which point she confessed that she really didn’t want to carry through with the pregnancy.“I actually went to have an abortion when I was getting him, but when I reached and see what was going on, I decided to turn back,” Megan recounted. She was encouraged to ask her son for forgiveness.And to her amazement it wasn’t long after her confession and regular prayers that her son had a marked recovery.But though she remained faithful to her belief in God, she still from time to time faltered, particularly in her marriage life. It was quite difficult for her to face the various challenges along the way. As such she would continue to leave her marital home on occasions as a form of escape.But her two sons were developing into young men with their own understanding of their parents’ situation.  Megan would also eventually find out from her eldest son that the instability of her marriage was perhaps a factor that considerably affected his health.According to Megan each of her sons had their own view on the situation, with the younger insisting “‘enough is enough… lef’ he, God gonna help you’” and the older one who at times opted to stay with his father when the challenges surfaced would warn “‘mommy,Carmelo Anthony Jersey, God will sin you, because He never say lef’ your husband…You suppose to stay with your husband…’”But even the eldest son who had taken his father’s side felt rejected when he was “sent packing”. According to Megan, her son related how he had decided to stay with his father to show him love but “‘daddy didn’t accept my love’.”Recognising that the crisis in her family was escalating to such an alarming proportion that it was severely affecting her sons, Megan made the informed decision to commit her relationship to God. Prayer she saw as the only answer to not only save her marriage, but to help her sons live a better life. She soon was constructing her own home and decided that she would no more be running away. And although she does not share that home with her husband, she believes that in time all things will fall into place.At the moment she disclosed that her sons and their father have a “better than ever” relationship; something she said that she had been earnestly praying for.Her prayers were premised on the biblical verse of Malachi 4:6, which says, “And He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children,Authentic Atlanta Falcons Jersey, and the heart of the children to their fathers….”“Through these children you see how many mistakes you as adults make and it helps you to want to live a better life,” says Megan whose desire today is to see her sons not endure the challenges she has had over the years in her married life.Megan has since been using her experience to share with other women in hope that they would be able to salvage their relationships and by extension be spared the ordeal of a dysfunctional family.Pic name MeganCaption: Megan George-Burgan

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