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An incomplete police file and further advice from the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) have been hindering the trial of the five men accused of the brutal home invasion and robbery perpetrated against Land Court Judge, Nicole Pierre and her husband, Mohamed Chand.The accused, Warren Mc Kenzie, 22, of Lot 18 Brutus Street, Agricola; Damien Millington, 22, of Lot 118 Caesar Street, Agricola; Nicholas Narine, 18, also of Caesar Street, Agricola; Premnauth Samaroo; and Anthony David, 28, of 63 Hadfield Street, Stabroek, are currently facing three indictable charges.Yesterday they were further remanded to prison by Magistrate Zamilla Ally. They had made their third court appearance. They were still not required to plead to the charges.Land Court Judge, Nicola Pierre and her husband Mohamed Chand.The first charge alleges that on July 9, at Montrose, East Coast Demerara (ECD), the men, while armed with a handgun, robbed Mohamed Chand of five wrist watches,Cheap NHL Jerseys, a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone,Gorgui Dieng Jersey, US$8,000, a wedding ring, four Oakley sunglasses and one brown leather wallet.The second charge alleges that the intruders robbed Nicola Pierre at gunpoint. They allegedly relieved her of a quantity of gold rings,Philadelphia 76ers Jerseys,  diamond jewellery, a clump of gold, a quantity of gem stones among other items, all totalling $1M.In addition, the men are also charged with discharging a loaded firearm at Roy Peters, with intent to maim, disable, disfigure or cause him grievous bodily harm.When their matter was called in the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court,NFL Jerseys China, Police Prosecutor, Lance Corporal,Sale NFL Jerseys, David Goodridge, indicated that the police file is still incomplete.Further, the prosecutor informed that the file has to be sent back to the DPP for advice. As such, he requested another adjournment  which now extends to October 27, when the matter will come up for report on the DPP advice.However, Goodridge presented the evidence against Warren McKenzie, who was discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) a few weeks ago.Warren McKenzieThe prosecutor said that on July 14, last, the police acting on information conducted a raid on a house at Craig,Authentic Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping, East Bank Demerara. He said that during the raid McKenzie was shot and admitted to the GPHC for medical treatment.Goodridge added that after Mc Kenzie was discharged from the hospital he was told of the allegations and brought before the court.According to Prosecutor,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Goodridge said that spent shells that were recovered from the robbery scene, match those of a gun that was allegedly found in Mc Kenzie’s possession. He said that this evidence can be supported by results from ballistic tests.Additionally, the prosecutor informed the court that one of the virtual complainants in the matter had recently returned from overseas after receiving medical treatment for injuries.At the men’s August 10, court appearance, Police Prosecutor, Sherlock King had told the court that there is sufficient evidence against the men, including a confession and identification by the virtual complainants.This was done in the absence of the investigating rank, who was due to produce evidence supporting the case against the accused.According to reports, heavily-armed bandits inflicted a brutal beating on the Land Court Judge and her husband after overpowering an on-duty Special Constable and storming the couple’s home located in a gated community at Felicity, East Coast Demerara, on July 9, last.The couple was attacked while they were asleep. They were gun-butted into unconsciousness after the men, gained entry to their home via a window.The robbers carted off a small safe containing US$7,000, jewellery, and a suitcase containing other valuables. But they were forced to drop their loot when they came under gunfire from a security guard who was stationed at a businessman’s home nearby.Pierre sustained a broken jaw and other injuries, while her husband received severe injuries to an eye. He has since lost the eye.

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