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發表於 2018-8-4 00:54:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Attorney-at-Law Vic Puran has said that the police response which sought to debunk his allegation that he was evicted from Eve Leary Police Station on Saturday evening is false, and it was only until the following day that he was allowed to speak to his client.According to Puran, the entire scenario presented by Inspector Torrington and the Officer in Charge at the time, Riddle,David Njoku Jersey, is false.Puran reiterated that he met Insp. Torrington in the office of the Narcotics Branch and the Inspector “told me that Mr. Nymrod Singh had already informed him that I was his lawyer and that I would see Singh after he was fingerprinted and photographed.”Singh was held in connection with a cocaine bust in Miami, where the illicit substance was found in nibbi furniture.As was claimed by the police in its response that Puran was asked to wait in the accommodation area, Puran insists that the Inspector never asked him to wait in the accommodation area outside the main entrance to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Headquarters at Eve Leary.“Indeed the Narcotics Branch was setting up for a party…I was offered a drink and I selected the Absolut Vodka. A brand new bottle was given to me. I removed the plastic seal and opened the bottle and poured myself a drink and mixed the vodka with soft drink…The ice was block ice, not crushed and so the barman, who is a Police Officer, had to break the ice to give me three pieces.”Puran related to this newspaper that at that time he went downstairs, with the glass in hand, “Mr. Riddle joined us and after a while he asked to speak to me privately….We went out of the building and there he told me that he was instructed to put me out of the compound…I gave him the glass and he followed me out and told me that I did not get the permission of the Duty Officer.”According to Puran, he had already seen the Duty Officer, a female Deputy Superintendent. “I went back to report to her what Mr. Riddle had said.”Puran added that the Duty Officer maintained that she was not aware that Nymrod Singh was at Eve Leary.“Notwithstanding the fact that I told her that I had just seen him, she told me that I should return on Sunday morning to speak to my client.”The Attorney noted that at this point a sentry came up and told the Duty Officer that he was instructed to put Puran out of the compound.The Guyana Police Force in its statement to the media stated at the outset that it is the policy of the Force to allow Attorneys-at-Law access to their clients as soon as practicable, adding that in some instances, when the homes of suspects/clients, offices or other places under suspicion of concealing stolen items are to be searched, lawyers are asked to be patient during these operations.The statement pointed out that Singh was taken to the CID Headquarters at about 19:30h on January 3, 2009,Cheap Jerseys 2018, and at about 20:00h,Cheap MLB Pro Shop, Attorney-at-Law Vic Puran was seen in the Headquarters compound by Detective Inspector Thornton who was aware that the two gates to the compound are normally closed at 18:00h and only authorized persons allowed to enter.It added that upon being questioned in relation to his entry into the compound, Puran indicated that he had been allowed to enter by the sentry on duty and that he was there to speak with Nymrod Singh whose interest he was retained to look into.The statement said that he was informed by the Inspector that Nymrod Singh was currently being processed and was advised to wait in the accommodation area outside the main entrance to CID Headquarters and that he will be informed upon completion of the process in order that he can speak to his client.The statement added that Puran left and the matter was reported by Inspector Thornton to Superintendent Riddle who was also on duty.“A few minutes later, Superintendent Riddle observed Vic Puran entering the CID Headquarters compound through the rear entrance on the western side and stopped him, in the process reminding him of the fact that he should be patient and await the completion of the processing of Nymrod Singh when he will be allowed to speak to him…“At this stage Vic Puran made some derogatory remarks about the police and left the compound…On completion of the processing of Nymrod Singh, Inspector Thornton made checks for Vic Puran but he was not seen,” the release noted.The police, on Saturday, arrested Nymrod Singh, who was being sought in relation to the discovery of a quantity of cocaine in furniture shipped from Guyana to Miami.This newspaper understands that Singh was arrested at around 15:05 hours, after arriving in Bartica and checking into the Platinum Hotel under the name Errol Daniels.Singh, of New Road, Vreed-en-Hoop,Cheap Nike Basketball Jerseys, reportedly chartered a special boat for some $30,000 to go to Bartica, as opposed to using the regular speedboat service.Reports state that people saw him at Parika and, suspecting that he was headed for Bartica, informed the police there.Singh, on his arrest, told the police that he was heading for the interior, where he has a dredge.On Friday last,Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2018, the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) issued a bulletin for Singh for questioning in connection with the Miami bust.Reports are that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in Miami discovered 373 pounds of cocaine hidden in furniture in a container at the Port of Miami,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, last week Monday.CBP officers inspecting containers at the Miami seaport were alerted by a CBP dog to a specific container loaded with furniture.The officers attached to the Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team proceeded to examine the furniture, and discovered three packages concealed within one of the pieces of furniture.One of the packages was tested by the officers and the substance was positive for cocaine. The total furniture count was 72, which concealed 194 packages of cocaine.The container with the furniture arrived in Miami two Fridays ago aboard the freighter M/V Rio Para.The container was moved to the CBP facility for examination and was opened last week Monday. The vessel’s last port of call was Guyana.

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