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Guyana Power and Light Company Incorporated (GPL) could be fined as much as $40,000 for failure to provide a service to consumers within a specified period.  Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Justice Prem Persaud, during a press briefing yesterday, revealed that where the power company exceeds the allotted time for a new service where a primary and or secondary network is needed for commercial consumers, the Electricity Sector Reform (Amendment) Act 2010 No. 17 of 2010 provides for the institution of a fine of $4,000 per day, up to a maximum of $40,000.  Exceeding the allotted time as it relates to residential consumers could see the power company being fined $2,000 to a maximum of $20,000.Justice Prem PersaudFines of $2,Custom Mexico Jersey,000 and up to $20,000 for commercial service and $1,000 and up to $10,000 for residential service will be instituted when only the installation of the service line and meter exceeds 14 days.Penalties could also be imposed if the power company fails to connect, within 70 days, to commercial customers and 84 days to residential customers, a service where primary and or secondary network, inclusive of poles,Alvaro Pereira Uruguay Jersey, transformers and other installations,Luis Montes Mexico Jersey, is required to be installed.However, in a case where only a service line and meter is to be installed,Angelo Henriquez Chile Jersey, 14 days is the maximum time allowed, Justice Persaud asserted yesterday.As it relates to reconnection, the Act outlines that GPL is required, upon payment of the reconnection fee,Gaston Ramirez Uruguay Jersey, to complete reconnection for consumers in Georgetown within two days, and three days for those outside of Georgetown.However, this is only applicable if the meter and service lines had not been removed.  In instances where the meter and service line were removed upon disconnection a maximum of seven days is allowed, according to the PUC.Penalties for exceeding the time will be, for commercial entities, $2,000 for the first day and $3,Erick Pulgar Chile Jersey,000 per day thereafter to a maximum of $8,000 and for residential services $1,000 for the first day and $2,000 per day each succeeding day to a maximum of $5,000.According to Justice Persaud, the Commission had in the past “complained time and again that we don’t have much clout because we were restricted and constrained by the (old) Act. We have been making representations. Government (has) relented and they have set out some standards which give us a lot more clout in order to put more pressure on them (GPL) to provide proper service to the consumers.”Formerly,George Corral Mexico Jersey, he disclosed that the power company had the freedom to “do its own thing within its own time.”  However, with the Act in place Justice Persaud pointed out that GPL is mandated to act within a specified timeframe.Failing to adhere would see a penalty being imposed against GPL, the PUC Chairman added,Eduardo Vargas Chile Jersey, which will take on the form of credits to consumers’ accounts that must be paid by GPL if and when found in breach.Having been furnished with a new schedule outlining the Customer Service Standards for GPL, the PUC, according to Justice Persaud is now in a better position to better represent consumers who have complaints against the entity,Carlos Vela Mexico Jersey, which holds the monopoly for power generation in most of Guyana.The schedule came into being following the move by President Bharrat Jagdeo to assent to the Electricity Sector Reform (Amendment) Act 2010 No. 17 of 2010. It was approved by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds in his capacity as the Minister responsible for the electricity sector on February 18 last and outlines the timeframe within which GPL is expected to respond to consumers’ complaints and complete identified remedial works.

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