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發表於 2018-8-4 14:11:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Plans to take strike action against Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) were put on the backburner yesterday following a meeting at the Ministry of Labour.The previous day General Secretary of the Guyana Labour Union (GLU),Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, Carvil Duncan had announced that strike action would commence today if the management of the company did not reconsider the move to terminate the employment of 20 of its workers last Monday.Of the 20 persons that have been sent home,Cheap Jerseys From China, seven are represented by the GLU, another seven are represented by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU) and the remainder are not unionised,Alvaro Morata Jersey, Duncan disclosed.However after Akeel’s meeting with representatives of the unions and the company, a decision was made to put off the strike action as a decision was made for a follow-up meeting tomorrow.Duncan had told this newspaper that based on his understanding,Baker Mayfield Jersey, the course of action was instituted against the employees of the company’s Bottling Plant since the new operation of the plant has caused the workers to become redundant.“Because of technology they may not require all of the persons that they have and so they sent home 20 persons….”But according to Duncan, the Company’s Director of Human Resources has operated in violation of the law that governs the termination of employees.He related that DDL erred in this regard as it failed to inform the union at least one month prior to the termination plans.“Even in cases where there are no unions the Ministry of Labour must be informed one month before. The reason for that is to give the Ministry a chance to see if they can find employment for the persons that are being sent off. The Ministry will have to get a list of the persons to be retrenched, their skills and their years of service as well as their benefits.”According to Duncan, the Ministry will have to be satisfied that the benefits of the persons being terminated are correctly calculated.This was not the case,Dallas Mavericks Jerseys, Duncan explained, as just a list of names was sent to the Ministry and the workers were promised one-month pay. He disclosed that although the GLU represents several of the workers, no such list was made available to the union.According to him while the company is claiming that the workers have become redundant he has been informed that the company had been forced to close its vinegar section to take those workers to operate the new plant.“We understand that from Monday they will be recruiting new persons for the plant. It is a clear indication of personalities. The person who did the retrenchment exercise identified persons who are not his friends,China NFL Jerseys, regardless of their years of service.”For this reason he had disclosed that the two unions had joined forces and were prepared to take action.

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