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發表於 2018-8-5 02:12:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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72-yr-old  taxi driver murder…As police remain stumped by the brutal murder of taxi driver Mohamed Nazir Khan, an eyewitness has reportedly surfaced who claims to have seen two men attacking the 72-year-old man in his car while he screamed for help.Kaieteur News was told that the eyewitness heard Khan screaming: “murder..murder…somebody please help me”, on Thursday night last.Dead: Mohamed Nazir KhanThe eyewitness also reportedly saw two men—one dark and the other of fair complexion—near the victim’s car.Kkan was found dead the following day in his vehicle with a bullet wound to the chest.Meanwhile, a police official said yesterday that two Stewartville residents who investigators had detained were released yesterday.This was done after an employee at the taxi service where Khan was employed failed to identify them as the passengers that Khan had picked up.The official said that investigators are unsure whether robbery was the motive.According to the source, the victim had about $900 from three short trips he made on the night he was slain. In addition, the killers made no attempt to steal or strip his vehicle.However, a relative of the slain man said that he had left home with about seven thousand dollars, which was part of a sum of money he had for a friend.Khan’s body was found last Friday in a car at Dentist Street, Stewartville, after he failed to return to his Parika, East Bank Essequibo home.An autopsy conducted on Monday revealed that Khan succumbed from a shotgun wound to the chest. The bullet, which was still lodged in his spine, is believed to have been fired from a .32 or .38 revolver.It is alleged that last Thursday evening, two men went to the Rockers Taxi Service Base, where Khan was attached to at the time, to request a car.The men indicated that they were heading to Stewartville, West Coast Demerara.Sometime after leaving the base, the dispatcher tried contacting Khan on his cellular phone,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, but failed to get any response. The following morning they were informed that he was found dead.

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