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The Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, via the President’s Youth Award; Republic of Guyana (PYARG) Programme, is urging young people to become volunteers.Alicia Roach, a representative of PYARG, explained to the children that volunteering is not just about doing things for people without being paid.She said that volunteering helps persons to meet new people, and most importantly, become more experienced.Approximately 450 persons have already been registered for the programme for this year. Last year saw 653 participants.As the word “Programme” indicates, it is not a membership organisation but a set of activities designed for young people from 14 to 25 years of age.With these activities, participants are given the opportunity to broaden their lives by participating in a wide range of interests which cover Service to others; ‘Adventurous Journey’; ‘Practical Skills’; and, ‘Physical Recreation’, all of which are related to personal abilities and community needs and an additional section Gold Level 1 Residential Project.According to Roach, the basic philosophy of the award is to encourage young people to improve their own standards,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, to share the excitement and satisfaction of achievement, and, above all, to enjoy their efforts.She added that the participants can follow their existing interests or start new ones, but they are encouraged to think first of those activities which suit their own particular ambitions and which are appropriate to the environment in which they live.The programme is not competitive, she said, as each individual is encouraged to improve his or her personal standards, not to “beat” others.Adults are involved in providing support through: Instruction, Supervision and Assessment of Progress in each section of the award, giving them the satisfaction and pleasure of sharing their own experience with younger participants, thus helping to bridge the generation gap and improve harmony within the community. There is no cost to participate.This Award Programme was officially launched in Britain during the year 1956 as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. It now exists under a number of different names in many countries in the world.The Guyana leg of this programme, –Guyana’s National Award Scheme for Youths, was launched by President Janet Jagan on October 3, 1998 at State House some two months after Guyana received an “independent operating licence” from the International Award AssociationThe Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, headed by Dr. Frank Anthony then ably assisted by Permanent Secretary Lt Col (Ret’d) Keith Booker, was responsible for the administration of the Programme. The Minister was assisted with policies of the Programme by a National Advisory Council, while Alfred King is the Executive Officer.The programme is today called the President’s Youth Award: Republic of Guyana (PYARG). Youths from all across the country can apply to participate in the programme.Guyana is the 94th country globally and the 17th in the Caribbean/Atlantic Region to join.

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