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發表於 2018-8-6 06:38:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Fifty-eight year-old Linden businessman Colin Prescod, a timber exporter, was yesterday remanded toColin Prescodprison on a charge of trafficking in narcotics, when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.The charge is related to the discovery of a large amount of cocaine in bags of charcoal secured in two 40-ft. containers that Prescod attempted to ship to the United States.Prescod, a father of 29, denied the accusation which alleged that on March 30, at Silver Hill, Linden Highway, he had in his possession 178 kg of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) prosecutor, Oswald Massiah, told the court that the defendant is an exporter who deals primarily in the exportation of timber. Massiah related that the defendant would usually purchase charcoal from vendors along the Linden/Soesdyke Highway.On the day in question, a group of CANU officers and narcotic ranks from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) received a tip-off, and as a result of the information received, visited the defendant’s pile yard and informed him that they were there to carry out an examination on his intended charcoal shipment. Upon inspection, the officers observed a strange object in one of the bags which did not confirm with the description of the items (charcoal) declared for export.As the objects were probed,Wholesale Jerseys, a white powdery substance emanated. A field test was carried out on the substance in the presence of the defendant and it tested positive for cocaine.Further, inspections were carried out on 1,400 bags, and it was discovered that the charcoal contained cocaine in the residue.The defendant was told of the offence, cautioned and later arrested and charged.Prescod’s attorney Euclin Gomes strongly contested for his client to be released on bail. During his bail application he told the court that Prescod had no knowledge that the illicit substance was concealed inside the charcoal. He pointed out that the charcoal was bought from several vendors along the highway and anyone could have packed the cocaine inside of it.However, CANU prosecutor Oswald Massiah argued that the defendant is tasked with preparing the items for shipment, hence he objected to bail.Nonetheless, the defendant was refused bail and remanded.The matter was transferred to the Linden Magistrate’s Court for April 15.Prescod was arrested on Monday last at around 11:30hrs, after the drug bust was made at a city wharf.The shipment was scheduled for examination on March 13, at Silver Hill Linden Highway in the presence of the GRA’s Goods Examination Unit (GEU) and the PCU. However, after the exporter indicated that he was experiencing some unforeseen difficulties, the examination was conducted until March 30, when officers observed four strange objects in one of the bags.The cocaine was stashed in two containers laden with approximately 2,900 bags of charcoal.

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