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發表於 2018-8-6 06:40:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Sandra Johnson,Custom Boston Celtics Jerseys, the mother of 17-year-old Osafo Johnson, who was shot twice in the back by the police on Sunday is now claiming that police are refusing to allow relatives to visit the injured teen at the Brickdam Police Lockups.Osafo Johnson, of 707 East Ruimveldt, was reportedly shot just as he walked out of his front gate.But the police said that the teen had opened fire at them and was fleeing from them when he was shot.The teen’s mother yesterday told Kaieteur News that the police are still keeping her son, who is still ill, in the unsanitary conditions at the lockups.“They got he sleeping on the concrete floor….and he got wounds that ain’t properly healed.”The woman said that her son is continuously complaining to the ranks that he is having difficulty breathing.Johnson further told this publication that the police have also refused to tell the lawyer or relatives what her son is being detained for.“The police shot my son….and almost killed him, now they arrest him…” the distraught mother said.The woman said that the police merely told her that they are preparing a file to send to the Director of Public Prosecutions for legal advice.Johnson was adamant that her son was not fleeing from the police. The woman said her son was shot in front of her gate and that she and another relative took the injured teen to the hospital.On Friday, the police promptly arrested Johnson minutes after doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital deemed him fit enough for discharge.The teen was only clad in his boxer shorts when the police hoisted him into the lockups. There were bandages wrapped around his abdomen.Relatives who were at the police station said that they were puzzled as to why the doctors discharged the teen, who they say is still very sick.According to relatives, Johnson was still receiving intravenous drips, and would receive oxygen periodically whenever he was having difficultly breathing.The relative also said that Johnson had a tube inserted into him which was draining fluids from his body.Kaieteur News was told that relatives at the hospital had questioned the doctors, about the bullet which is still lodged in Johnson’s chest.The relative said that the doctor told them that he knew “millions” of people who survived with bullets lodged in their bodies.Attorney at law Adrian Thompson, who is representing the teen, said that he had raised concerns about the child’s condition and was told that they would have to seek advice from the Police Commissioner.On Sunday last, the teen was shot by police who said that they were hunting for wanted man, “Cobra”.The police are now saying that Johnson opened fire at them and was trying to escape.According to the police, Johnson is wanted in connection with a murder and a series of armed robberies.However, relatives vehemently denied that Johnson was part of a gang that is run by wanted man “Cobra”.Relatives yesterday said that Johnson was being targeted. The police had arrested him three days prior to the shooting.After spending 72 hours in police custody, they released him without any charge.

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