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發表於 2018-8-7 19:11:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Debt recovery officers to engage tax payersBy Abena RockcliffeAs workers attached to the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) resume work today; the halted cleanup campaign, which was reportedly to result in “significant improvement” is also expected to resume.Further, the “garbage police” will persist patrolling the city to “monitor those without discursions.”Chairman of the implementation committee, Keith Burrowes revealed that the enforcers will be uniformed in white T-shirts bearing slogan of the M&CC.In response to a letter published in this newspaper Friday last, titled “The Burrowes approach will not bear lasting fruit,” Burrowes said that he feels if all have an open mind and jump on board, the strategy will work.He further mentioned that the current approach is just an immediate response to the situation that “affects us all,” as futuristically; other pans will be put in place to then maintain a clean Georgetown.“It’s like fire fighting, you have to put it out right away, but as long as the situation is under control all other options will be explored “ stated Burrowes.Burrowes noted that he shares some of the views expressed in the article.The Chairman disclosed that he has considered recycle bins but that implementation “will come in time,” as government has already invested significant sums in the new dump site.Also, debt recovery officers are scheduled to, from today; embark on a “project to retrieve outstanding monies owed to the City, Burrowes disclosed.As he noted that this is a new implementation, Burrowes said that he is optimistic that the venture will be successful.He informed that the previous system just entailed a “simple system” where a letter was delivered to persons indebted to the city.However, the new system will see negotiations on payment plans. This will go for both private residents and commercial entities.This newspaper had reported that the city is owed in excess of $12B.Mayor Hamilton Green,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, in a previous interview, stated that if these monies were retrieved, “the city will be relieved of a significant amount of financial constraints.”

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