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發表於 2018-8-8 08:12:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Public Works Ministry is aiming to have 24 of its 47 traffic signals utilize solar energy as its primary source of power, and energy from Guyana Power and Light as its secondary supply, by year-end.According to the Ministry’s Electrical Engineer, Terence O’Brien, upgrading and modifying 50 percent of the existing hybrid systems (both utility and solar powers) will be made possible via a research conducted.He related that the Ministry has a prototype that is being used at the junction of Church Street and Vlissengen Road. This system was expected to provide ‘no break’ power to the signals in proximity. The Ministry, he noted, is pleased with the response it is receiving from the prototype.O’Brien disclosed that a request has been made for money to purchase the necessary material to modify the traffic signals. These signals are situated at critical areas such as on the East Coast Demerara and Mandela Avenue.He is optimistic that the Ministry will release the money shortly. Nonetheless, the procurement process has begun.The contractor, who created the prototype,Wholesale Jerseys China, will be responsible for upgrading some of the signals. The Ministry’s engineers, who will be working alongside the contractor, will modify most of the signals themselves.To facilitate this upgrade, several solar boards powering traffic signals along Main Street, Georgetown, will be relocated. O’Brien noted that some traffic lights are under large trees, which prevents the solar boards from receiving full energy from the sun. He termed the present installation of those traffic lights (the ones under the large trees) as “poor engineering”.“Having the traffic lights powered by solar energy, with back-up power supply from the utility company, was the desired option,” O’Brien stated. However, the contracted company, CMS Traffic Systems Limited of India, insisted that the systems receive their main power source from the utility company.Government executed the traffic light project through a Line of Credit of US$2.1M from The Export-Import Bank of India The initial project sought to install 50 traffic signal systems. This was changed with the erection of 47 systems. On the 7th November, 2006, the civil works agreement was inked.Physical work on the project commenced on January 27, 2007, and works were completed on July 11, 2007. The contracting company engaged the services of local sub-contractors: Gaico Construction Inc; Civ- Tech Construction & Contracting Services; Godfrey Bovell Construction Services and Novad Consultants & General Contractors, for the execution of the project.

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