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發表於 2018-8-8 13:34:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Childcare and Protection Agency, (CPA) is closely monitoring the case of  the 13-year-old student of  Wakapoa Secondary  School, who gave birth to twins at the Suddie Hospital Complex, in Essequibo, recently.CPA DirectorAnn GreeneThe teenager who hails from the community of Wakapoa, Region Two, was left in the care of her aunt, Norma James, for almost five years, after her mother  along with her husband, Trevor Abrams,Cheap Jerseys From China, was charged with the murder of 54-year-old Wilfred  Williams, a/k”Willo”, of Grant Friendship Canal. The couple is currently on remand.CPA Director, Ann Greene, has said that the agency has since launched an investigation into the matter and has taken steps to provide counseling and further monitor the teenager as she recuperates and re-enters the school system to complete her education.She said that the case speaks to the need for members of the community to be more vigilant and involved in the fight against child molestation and abuse.The CPA Director explained that in the circumstances of minors who are left unsupervised after their parents who had been incarcerated, the agency steps in and makes the necessary interventions to find them suitable living conditions.But in this case of the 13 year-old, Ms. Greene noted that she had a substitute parent.The CPA, she said cannot probe a situation unless it is brought to the attention of the agency.She said that it is then left to the relatives, teachers, guardians, friends and other members of the communities to act as the “eyes and ears” of the agency. If they notice anything suspicious about any child/children living in the neighbourhood or dwelling in their surroundings, they should report.“We do not have that many resources…It is the responsibility of every citizen to pay attention, be watchful and report to the agency” Greene said adding that whenever a matter is reported, the identity of the person/persons, lodging the complaint is treated with strict confidentiality.“People need to stop being so afraid. We don’t even need to know about the caller; they can remain anonymous.  What is of utmost importance to us is the name and location of the child who might be under threat.”According to Greene, a number of similar incidents occur in those far flung areas of the country quite often. She said that the agency’s heightened public awareness and education’ campaigns in the regions are aimed at bridging the gap culture and the law. The ‘Tell Campaign and ‘Education/Family Life programme’ are regular features in the school system.“Many times, in those areas, it is seen as a norm for a girl to become sexually active at a young age, but through the education/family life programme, students are constantly being taught and are starting to realize that it is not right for a girl/boy to be exposed to such activities at such a tender age,” the CPA head noted.

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