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Member states of the Caribbean Community, CARICOM have commenced the process of seeking to identify a replacement for its Secretary General, Dr Edwin Carrington, but Guyana will not be a part of that process.This was confirmed by Foreign Affairs Minister,Tony Dorsett Cowboys Jersey, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, who yesterday explained that Guyana is unable to nominate a replacement because of the terms under which it was agreed to have the secretariat located in Guyana.The Minister explained that in the agreement,Dak Prescott Jersey, during the negotiations to have the Secretariat in Guyana it was understood that the Secretary General would not come from Guyana.One of the signatories to the 1973 Treaty,Sean Lee Jersey, the then President of Guyana, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham,Dan Hampton Bears Jersey, negotiated for the establishment of a permanent secretariat for the Caribbean Community to be headquartered in Georgetown and hosted by the Government of Guyana.This negotiation would lead to the maneuvering of staff of the CARICOM Secretariat in a number of buildings across Georgetown.On February 19, 2005, a new chapter in the integration movement commenced with the inauguration of the Secretariat’s spanking new headquarters at Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown.As it relates to the nomination,Cody Whitehair Bears Jersey, it is said that Suriname has put up OAS Secretary General, Albert Ramdin.Carrington, 72, is an economist from Trinidad and Tobago who was appointed Caricom leader in 1992 after serving as secretary-general of the Association of African,Alshon Jeffery Jersey, Caribbean and Pacific nations.In 1994,Troy Aikman Cowboys Jersey, he helped establish the 39-nation Association of Caribbean States and two years later helped find homes for thousands of people displaced by an erupting volcano in Montserrat.Dr Carrington also reviewed membership requests from Haiti and Suriname while in office.In 2010,Rico Gathers Cowboys Jersey, Caricom granted Haiti the last country to join the organisation permission to sell goods duty free in the region for three years.Carrington has notified the Heads of Government of CARICOM of his decision to step down from his position,Jim McMahon Jersey, effective December 31, 2010.Carrington, a national of Trinidad and Tobago, was appointed in 1992 – the sixth Secretary-General of the Community. He succeeded Roderick Rainford of Jamaica.

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