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發表於 2018-8-10 13:10:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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For the past year the Guyana Book Foundation (GBF) has distributed more than 60,000 books to 19 communities, over 400 schools and 50 other educational institutions which include reading groups run by institutions like the Lions Club.Of the 60,Cheap Jerseys For Sale,000-odd books, 60 percent were distributed free of cost,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey, particularly to schools in the hinterlands.The GBF and Partners of the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) yesterday launched their 9th Book Fair,China NFL Jerseys, at the Roraima Room of the Hotel Tower.According to Evlan Hamilton, Chairperson of the event, any income generated by the “not-for-profit company” is put back into the organisation to continue and/or extend the programmes under the foundation, and have also over the past few years received technical and financial assistance from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Canadian Organisation for Development through Education (CODE).The major goal for the GBF is to improve the literacy of children across Guyana,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, through the help of their partners,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, which “is a major task……and should be the focus of many organisations,” said Hamilton.The Foundation also works collaboratively with local organisations including the Ministry of Education,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, other NGOs and the private sector.For the past year the foundation has published five children’s titles. The GBF also buys and receives donated books, mainly those that cannot be easily accessed by schools and those that are of special interest to boys (because it is found that they tend to be less connected to reading.)The books are accessed through a book bank,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, and are distributed either free of cost, or by a minimal administration fee to schools across the nation, libraries and any other institution that is working towards the same goals as GBF and that have the same values that the NGO upholds.The foundation also runs skill development programmes for professional as well as volunteer teachers and parents.Boys who have dropped out of school are also targeted by the foundation, which has hosted ‘male-only’ workshops to teach them not only how to read, but also to instruct others on how to read.(Andrunie Harris)

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