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發表於 2018-8-10 14:25:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Attorney General, Charles Ramson, says that he has written a government consultant for making unauthorized statements about improvement of the Deed Registry.Speaking at a press conference to discuss this and other issues yesterday, Ramson made it clear that he has also asked Dr. Cecil Rajana to withdraw his comments made on March 19 during a press conference.On that day, Dr Rajana, the Director of the National Competitiveness Strategy Unit (NCSU), which works out of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Commerce, was part of a press conference hosted by the Private Sector Commission (PSC).According to Dr Rajana, the processing of transports, affidavits and business registrations, is expected to be vastly improved as a major improvement project to overhaul that division is underway.Regarding the Deeds Registry, Dr Rajana said that the idea is to make the entity more autonomous and effective without the current delays and headaches being experienced. No longer will businesses and other visitors to the Deeds Registry have to deal with staffers having to box through heavy books and wait while checks are made.Yesterday, Ramson said that Dr Rajana was only hired as a consultant to prepare a report on the ways to improve the registry which handles business registrations, transports and other key business functions.The report by Rajana is still being considered by Cabinet, Ramson said.The Attorney General was clear that the terms of reference for the consultancy was to prepare a report and “not to have a press conference” with the authority of the executive, which in this case is the Cabinet of the government.“I take great offence… umbrage to anyone infiltrating the Ministry to which I am assigned.”Ramson noted that if the executives are the ones who can officially speak on Government matters. As such, the utterance of Dr. Rajana should not be taken as concrete since it is still with the Cabinet, he added.The Minister also warned other consultants to take note.“I am responsible for that department…same way that I am responsible, I must be given the credit for doing what has to be done…”Dr Rajana had said that the current charges for transactions are also being reviewed. Currently, $100 is being charged for processing affidavits.Speaking on the work of the NCSU,Jeff Green Jersey, Dr Rajana said that the country’s programme to improve key services to make it more in line with international standards is halfway there.The unit is also reviewing legislation to give consumers more protection. Already, the National Competitive Commission has been established and is ready to take complaints of unfair business practices.Work is also being done to allow businesses to process Customs transactions and taxes online.According to Dr Rajana, throughout the entire process, the unit has been consulting closely with the PSC.

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