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發表於 2018-8-12 16:54:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Teneshia Lewis, 19, recalls shouting for the driver of the car that she was in, to stop as the traffic light at the junction of Rupert Craig Highway and Conversation Tree on the East Coast of Demerara minutes before the two-vehicular smash up. The crash occurred around 22:30hrs last night.The 22-year-old front seat passenger of the errant car, Junior Horton.The young lady, who is the first of the six injured persons injured to be discharged from the Georgetown Pubic Hospital Corporation, told Kaieteur News that she and the three other occupants of the car, her friends, were on their way to the capital City when they met with the accident.The 68 Bladen Hall, East Coast Demerara resident, said that she was in the backseat of the ‘white’ car (PJJ 2643) along with her friend Roshana Smith, 17, when the driver,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, instead of adhering to the red light, sped through the junction of the Rupert Craig Highway where the vehicle collided with another car which had the ‘green light’ to turn into Conversation Tree Road.The driver of the errant vehicle was identified as Andrew Wickham, 22. The front seat passenger was Junior Horton also 22.When this publication visited the hospital yesterday, Horton who remained a patient of the Male Surgical Ward could not remember what exactly happened. He sustained bruises to the face as well as a possible broken left leg.When asked if the occupants of the errant vehicle had been drinking, Lewis said that while she can vouch for herself and her two close friends, she is not sure whether the driver had consumed alcohol before meeting up with them.Meanwhile, the passengers of the other car, 27-year-old Rupendra Bhookmohan and his 20-year-old wife Bibi Fazeema Khan immediately became patients of the GPHC’s Intensive Care Unit. They are both critical.According to relatives yesterday, the B3 Bel Air couple was returning home from the city in a “private car taxi” when the accident occurred. It left Bhookmohan pinned for almost an hour in the backseat of the car which was leaning dangerously into a canal that runs along the southern side of the Rupert Craig Highway. His hand was broken in several places.Khan who hails from the Essequibo Coast was rescued by passersby. He has been unconscious ever since he was pulled from the wreck.Teneshia Lewis’s recollection of the accident last night is consistent with that of an eyewitness.

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