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With five marks more, Solomon Cherai could have secured a perfect score, but his effort was enough for him to be named the top performing candidate at the 2015 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA).Cherai, a pupil of the privately-owned and operated Success Elementary School gained 530 out of a possible attainable score of 535. His schoolmate Shania Eastman followed closely with 529 marks. They are both eligible to attend Queen’s College.Via a televised press conference, Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam, made the highly anticipated announcement of the results yesterday. Sam graced the spotlight in what was a noticeable shift from tradition, as usually it is the Minister of Education who is tasked with making the official pronouncement.The recently appointed Education Minister, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, sat in the company of senior officers of his Ministry, as Sam took to the podium to announce the results.Many persons across the country were reportedly glued to the National Communications Network (NCN Channel 11) to hear the CEO’s report of the results and, of course, mostly to learn the identities of the top performers.Although Sam was able to reveal the names and scores of the top performers of the country and even by Regions, he was however unable to present a detailed analysis of the results. This he said will be done at a later date.Among those named in the top performing one per cent are 72 males and 94 females.Later, Minister Roopnaraine and other Ministry officials joined teachers at the Providence, East Bank Demerara branch of Success Elementary to express congratulations to the students there.Commenting on the school’s consistent NGSA achievements, Freidel Isaacs, Education Supervisor at the institution noted that the school has a blueprint of operating by the standard Ministry of Education programme and by adding supplementary programmes to its curriculum.Isaacs noted that from the First Grade to Sixth, students of Success Elementary are geared for the ultimate challenge of sitting the NGSAs.Kaieteur News was granted interviews by some of the standouts in this year’s assessment and their thoughts are encapsulated below.TOP PERFORMERSSOLOMON CHERAI (#1 – 530 marks)Solomon Cherai, 11, of Brickery, East Bank Demerara said that even though the NGSA proved challenging,Brett Hull Jersey, he made the necessary adjustments and prepared for it, hence his hard work paid off.“I studied many nights and would have breaks in between, but not too much,Jaden Schwartz Jersey, then back to my books,” the top student related. While he expected to do well, Cherai said that he did not expect to be in the top spot.  The lad attributes his success to God, hard work and his parents.SHANIA EASTMAN (#2 – 529 marks)Shania Eastman, 11,Pierre Pilote Jersey, of Diamond, East Bank Demerara, who copped the second spot expressed thanks to her family and teachers for her achievement.  She was especially grateful to her mother and sister for offering guidance and assistance during her studies.Reflecting on the time leading up to exams, Eastman said that she studied hard, sacrificed a lot and spent most of her of leisure time with her books.“I gave up a lot of stuff and my mom created a study timetable for me, so I thank her a lot for that,” the top achiever added.CELINE FARINHA (#3 – 526 marks)Over at Peter’s Hall Primary School, Celine Farinha was overwhelmed at the news of her success. She placed third in the country.The 11-year-old could not contain her emotions.  She wept uncontrollably as she spoke with members of the media.   She thanked God and her parents, who joined her at the school yesterday.An emotional Fariha noted that it was the happiest day of her life, but also the saddest, since she will be leaving all her best friends behind, to attend Queen’s College in September.SHREYA PERSAUD (#3 – 526 marks)A soft-spoken Shreya Persaud, who has her eyes set on eventually becoming a Cardiologist, said that she was “happy and excited” with her accomplishment. The 12-year-old who resides at Roraima Scheme, Versailles,Rene Bourque Jersey, West Bank Demerara, credits her success to the support she received from her parents and teachers at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara-based Academy of Excellence private school,Wayne Gretzky Jersey, and noted that she is prepared to continue to work hard at Queen’s College when the new school year commences.The lass of few words said that she learnt of her success while watching the press conference on television with her parents. “They hugged me,” Persaud quietly said of her parents.ISABELLA HUSSAIN (#3 – 526 marks)“I am very excited. I never expected to do so well,” said an elated Isabella Hussain, who also attended the Academy of Excellence.  She too was tuned in to the televised press conference on Channel 11. “I was watching it on television and I was shocked…I jumped for joy.”She singled out Head Teacher of her school, Ms Latchmin Gopaul, class teacher Ms Chandinie, and her parents as the most helpful to her.  Remaining focused on her school work was also a major factor, said the 11-year-old of Back Street, North Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara.And she is confident that hard work will help to eventually fulfil her ambition of becoming a heart surgeon.She is anxious to attend Queen’s College with her friend Shreya.AFEEFAH LONDON (#6 – 525 marks)Meanwhile, 11-year -old Afeefah London, who didn’t expect to be in the top 10 of the country, thanked her mother especially for ensuring that she did well.Her mom, Debra London, a teacher at Success Elementary, was elated at the news that her daughter was among the country’s top achievers. The beaming mother thanked Allah for her daughter’s success.“We are not rich, so I try my best to ensure that she had a good education… But I can’t take the credit for myself because she is very quiet but self motivated and hardworking… I am very happy for her that she did well,” said the senior London.TRAVIS ISAACS (#6 – 525 marks)Eleven-year-old Travis Isaacs was not too surprised when learnt of his performance. This was because he had worked hard and hoped for the very best.The pupil of All Saints Primary with his 525 marks placed sixth along with four others.His desire was always to attend Queen’s College, and that will be a reality when the new school year begins in September.Isaacs is thankful for the support he received during his studies – naming his friends, parents,Artemi Panarin Jersey, teachers and God as his main supporters.But according to the aspiring architect it was not all about books as he was able to find time to play and listen to music.His parents and teachers are proud of his achievement which translates to him being the top performing candidate in Region Six.BHEDESH PERSAUD (#6 – 525 marks)The New Guyana School managed to have two of the country’s top students, with Bhedesh Persaud performing the best. The Industry, East Coast Demerara resident, related that his routine required him studying vigorously at home and in school whenever he had free time.“I stayed up late at night to put in that extra piece of revision,” said the 11 year-old.Moving on, Persaud intends on attending “the best school in Guyana”, Queen’s College, and has dreams of becoming a scientist. He was overjoyed at his achievement and thanked his teachers for teaching him diligence and dedication to his studies. He said he was motivated by last year’s top student (Jorrell DeSantos), “I told myself that if he could do it I could do it too,” said a smiling Persaud.REANNA MC CURCHIN (#6 – 525 marks)At St Margaret’s Primary, excitement was in the air, but no one was more excited and relieved than 11-year-old Reanna Mc Curchin.“I was just hoping and praying that I’d do well,” the aspiring lawyer said. She explained that she had studied extremely hard and went to extra lessons, but nonetheless found time to help her then pregnant mother as much as possible. Above all, she said,Vladimir Tarasenko Jersey, prayer was key and, after thanking God first, she thanked her parents and teachers. Though she attained Queen’s College, Mc Curchin said she wants to transfer to The Bishops’ High School in fifth form.“I will be studying much harder for the future so that I’d do well for the CSEC exams,” she said excitedly.TIMUR SINGH (#6 – 525 marks)Excitement was also evident on the face of 11-year-old Timur Singh. The St Gabriel’s Primary pupil explained that he was “overjoyed” at his results.“I heard the news while listening to the TV and when I heard my name get called I just went, ‘yaaaay!’” Singh said. He thanked his parents,Bobby Orr Jersey, teachers and friends for the support and added that to prepare,Colton Parayko Team North America Jersey, he had studied very hard and would stay up late almost every night.The aspiring microbiologist shared that he actually believed that he would have received The Bishops’ High School. Of course, his actual results pleased him more than what he had expected.NICHOLETTE GOUVEIA (#11 – 524 marks)Nicholette Gouveia, also of St Gabriel’s, was also noticeably pleased with her high position.“I’m really excited about all of this, though I did expect that I would do well,” the 11-year-old admitted. She explained that she had worked really hard, studied non-stop, and also had to sacrifice a lot of her favourite things.“I heard the news from my mother; I was at home and she called me and she was just so overjoyed,” a smiling Gouveia said. She thanked her family and all of the teachers at her school. The aspiring doctor added, “I’d also like to thank God because without him, all of this would not be possible.”ISMAAEEL BACCHUS (#11 – 524 marks)For 11-year-old Ismaaeel Bacchus, anything less than what he achieved would have come as a surprise to him. The ISA Islamic pupil admitted, “I expected I would’ve done well, but I honestly thought I would’ve done a little bit better.”Nonetheless, Bacchus said he felt “very good and extremely happy” with the news.He thanked his mother, brother and sister for their assistance while sharing that he wants to be a scholar in his religion, Islam.SERENA PERSAUD (#11 – 524 marks)At Marian Academy, Serena Persaud’s excitement came after one of her teachers revealed to her the great news of her of achievement. The 11-year-old said that she was glad to have achieved such high marks, as many people were counting on her. She related that her routine included her staying behind in school for an extra hour to revise.“After that, when I got home I would take a little break and then get back to studying,” she said. Persaud added that she would study a little more before bed. Persaud has plans to continue her studies at Marian, rather than attend Queen’s College, and is hoping to become a doctor when she’s grown up. Above all she thanked God, her parents and teachers who invested time helping her.GIANNI CARPENTERS (#11 – 524 marks)Joining the New Guyana School’s high achievers was Gianni Carpenters, who felt “amazing” to have his hard work and late nights of studying pay off in his grades. According to the 12- year-old he had a strict study routine from Sunday to Thursday.His motivation was the success of past students, who “got the chance to meet ministers” because of their results. Gianni wants to become the President of Guyana.ROXANNA SINGH (#11 – 524 marks)Also placed in the 11th position is Roxanna Singh. The Enterprise Primary was not available for an interview.

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