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發表於 2018-8-15 11:47:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…but enforcement will be intensified   – Acting Traffic ChiefDespite the perception of wanton road lawlessness, Acting Traffic Chief Deon Moore is of the view that motorists are adhering more to the laws.In an interview with this newspaper yesterday, Moore, who is holding the fort for Senior Superintendent Ian Amsterdam, said that while there was a slight spike in road deaths up to the end of July, recent moves by the Police Traffic Department to reduce the figure is already bearing fruit, and further efforts are in train to keep a lid on traffic accidents.“So far for this month we see a shift,NFL Jerseys Outlet, we now have a decrease instead of an increase. We’re at 65 accidents with 75 deaths,Wholesale Jerseys China, which is a noticeable decrease,Custom Washington Wizards Jerseys,” the Acting Traffic Chief stated.Superintendent Moore attributed this state of affairs to two factors: the increase in traffic patrols and the increased adherence of motorists to the traffic laws.According to the acting traffic chief, for instance, there appears to be a significant decline in the number of drivers being found above the prescribed limit of alcohol consumption.“If you do like 20 tests, you might find about two or three persons above the limit; a lot of people are adhering. You might five persons in the vehicle who seem to be highly intoxicated but the driver is okay; people are using the designated driver. They are listening to the police and they are taking guidance,” Moore told this newspaper.He outlined that in the short term, his focus will be on reducing road accidents in general, and this will be done by increased enforcement and education.Moore said that his ranks will be looking for traffic violators and charging them without specifically targeting anyone.“We will not go to any night club and park the vehicle there and wait, or go to any particular shop. Remember, every citizen has a right to go to wherever they choose to socialize, but the onus is on them to have a designated driver if they choose to drink,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” Moore statedHe cautioned, however, that motorists will be monitored, and if they show any sign of being under the influence of alcohol, they will certainly be pulled over.Only recently, on Saturday to be precise,Wholesale Jerseys China, the issue of drunk driving came into focus when an alleged drunk driver failed to heed the stop sign at a corner and slammed his pick-up into a car, resulting in the death of 84-year-old Christobel Hughes, the mother of prominent attorney at law and Chairman of the Alliance For Change Nigel Hughes.The Acting Traffic Chief also signaled his intention to up the ante on persons who continue to use their cell phones while driving.He said that, persons are in the habit of dropping their cell phone upon making eye contact with the police, a practice he described as dangerous.“That in itself will be a distraction that can lead them into an accident. It is better for them to keep the phone to their ears and if the police end up warning you or charging you it will be better,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, because it is a misdemeanour offence,” Moore explained.With the reopening of schools less than two weeks away,Jerseys From China, the Police Traffic Department is already putting things in place to ensure that the country’s road fatality figure continues its downward trend.With regards to the school set up, the Acting Traffic Chief said that a programme to paint and repaint pedestrian crossings will commence within a week.“We are asking teachers, parents and drivers to be all involved in promoting road safety,” Superintendent Moore said.He noted that a lot of children would have written the National Grade Six Assessment examinations and would be going to schools in new environments, which will require them to adapt quickly to the new traffic scenarios.The Acting Traffic Chief disclosed that upon the reopening of school, he plans to resuscitate the dormant road safety patrols and form new ones where there is none.“We will look at the schools that are closest to the public road and we’ll work along with the Ministry of Education in having a designated teacher to ensure that the children are properly trained, maintain discipline, and guide the children in the proper use of the road,” Moore stated.He said that ranks will be positioned at strategic points during the busy periods. According to Moore, these ranks will be more focused on filtering the traffic to ensure a smooth flow, and not particularly on enforcement.

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