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發表於 2018-8-15 16:45:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Abena RockcliffeElegance stood at its best yesterday at the Promenade Gardens as the Inner Wheel Club of Georgetown  hosted its annual Hat Show and Garden Party.An event like this is not often held in Guyana; so hundreds–mostly women — converged at the Gardens to witness the show with optimism that it will be as promising as usual.Even this little one displays her hatMake no mistake; the participants did not disappoint its audience as nearly two dozen displayed their hats with elegance.For the past 24 years the club has been hosting the event,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale, which has become a “look out for” affair.Yesterday the show was staged in three categories— elegant, original and topical.Each hat on display was designed for the show and made its debut yesterday. Hats were judged,Cheap Throwback NBA Jerseys, among other things,Cheap Jerseys From China, on creativity and the way they were displayed.Competitors modeled to the melodious sounds provided by the Guyana Police Force band which kept the exemplary melodies rather patriotic.Quite a number of children were involved in the competition with the youngest being three years old. She competed with others of her age group and even some as old as 12.In the senior category, the competitors ranged vast in age with the youngest being 14 and the oldest being 94.     She displayed a red feathery hat.In keeping with the fact that it was an Easter hat show, most persons opted to use themes of Easter bunnies and eggs.Nevertheless in the topical section, Ramkumar Jewanram displayed his hat that depicted the setting of a cricket field. In addition, his hat marked “stop the politics in cricket.” Jewanram who was the lone male in the competition had his hat designed by his sister Kamela Maniram who was also in the competition and has been involved for the past 10 years.Also a young designer,nhl jerseys outlet, Randy Madray had the pleasure of having two beautiful models—Sasha Mamza and Kezia Campbell- display his classy pieces that he dubbed Victorian Bloom and Bunny Wonderland. This year marked the first for his involvement in the Easter hat show.All hats displayed had catchy names and unique styles; the judges must have had a difficult time.There were three judges for the junior category,China NFL Jerseys, Cheryl Burrowes,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Charmaine Blackman-Alves and Sasha Hardt.And for the senior category, the judges were Edda D’Andrade,Air Max Shop Italia, Lourdes Zunga Rodriguez and Joel Ghansham.There were other attractions such as a book sale, tea party and games on site.The funds raised from the activity are put towards charity. The money funds scholarships to the University of Guyana, School feeding programmes and distribution of hampers to senior citizens in Guyana and shut-ins across the country.Photo saved as: lilyCaption: Even this little one displays her hat

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