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[PS3] Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping zhh3zadh









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發表於 2018-8-15 21:52:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“Two thieves mek God laugh,” remarked Magistrate Hazel Octive- Hamilton yesterday,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, as she listened to the strange case of three police ranks who allegedly robbed a gang of bandits of valuables the bandits had taken from an Uitvlugt,NBA Jerseys China, West Coast Demerara family.Lance Corporal Shudell Castillo, 36, of Lot 1 East Ruimveldt, Constable Beepat Taijram, 26,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, of Lot 55 Albouys Street, Albouystown and Constable Dellon Lyken, 22, of Lot 17-4 New Amsterdam Berbice,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, all of the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on joint charges of robbery.The court alleged that on February 12 at Hadfield Street Georgetown, the TSU ranks robbed Neon Daniels of $600,000 cash and a quantity of gold jewelry.Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Trevor Reid,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Hoodies, who is the investigating rank in the matter, told the court that a robbery had been committed at Uitvlugt and the perpetrators rented a house which they used as their hideout.Reid said that acting on information supplied to them by the owner of the establishment,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, the three TSU ranks visited the location. However, instead of apprehending the criminals, the policemen relieved the thieves of the money and jewelry and set them free.The alleged culprits were subsequently arrested.Defence Attorney Patrice Henry who represented the accused, fought feverishly to have them placed on bail.He first claimed that charges must be brought against the thieves who alleged that his clients stole from them. He argued that this case posed some difficulty, since he is unaware as to whether charges were brought against the complainants.But the investigating rank explained that more will be revealed during the trial and that the matter is still under investigation.In response, Attorney-at-Law Henry urged the court not to fall victim to the investigators’ ploy of bargaining with the thieves to testify against the policemen. Henry argued that in a case like this the complainant must have admitted that he had committed a crime, and insisted that charges must be brought against the complainant.ASP Reid then told the court that the initial thieves were brought to court on Thursday on the West Coast of Demerara.  This caused the attorney to remark “the police could say anything and one could never ascertain to the truth of their information.”Obviously offended,Wholesale Jerseys, Reid demanded that the lawyer take back his statement. Reid claimed that the prosecution’s case was set and reiterated that the necessary information would be revealed at the trial.Magistrate Octive- Hamilton eventually intervened, and despite further pleas from the attorney, ordered that the police ranks be remanded until March 12.

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