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Wholesale NFL Jerseys AP









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發表於 2018-8-16 03:43:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Of course, he savors the sacks. He had a different celebration for each of them against the Seahawks, arching his back and mimicking a dead guy dancing from the movie "Weekend at Bernie's," wind-milling arms for the Seahawk and tipping his cap to recognize a hat trick on the third.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Robert Quinn has been spending so much time in opponents' backfields and getting there so fast, even St. Louis Rams teammates who see him every day in practice are impressed.
"He's phenomenal, he's got the speed, he's got the inside move, he's got the power. He's one of the best,NFL Jerseys China, if not the best."
"He's something like a superhero," backup defensive end Eugene Sims said Wednesday.
Quinn was a first-round pick out of North Carolina in 2010 and half of a potent pass rush combination.
"Nah, like when you score a touchdown let the guy celebrate," Quinn said. "You don't get too many so have fun when you have the chance."
Quinn is coming off his second three-sack game, including tackles of the Seahawks' Russell Wilson on consecutive plays in the first half Monday night.
"Just out there having fun,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, I'm not out there thinking about what I'm going to do," Quinn said. "Getting one sack is tough. It happened, I'll add it to the resume, I guess."

Quinn said the showing "really opened a lot of people's eyes."
"Having that mind-set, 'Look, I've got to play the run,' you slowly grow and get better at it," Quinn said. "I want to be a complete player.
Quinn had 10½ sacks last season, one behind Long for the team lead and his first time in double figures. Long has 5½ on the season.
The defense is coming off a dominant outing spoiled by one stumble,Anders Nilsson Jersey, holding the Seahawks to 135 total yards and just 40 plays. Cornerback Janoris Jenkins lost his footing on Golden Tate's 80-yard touchdown pass in the third quarter.
Coach Jeff Fisher said what goes unnoticed is how well Quinn is playing against the run.
Chris Long,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, who propels himself from a two-point stance at the other end, also sacked Wilson three times in the 14-9 loss.
"You look back and you're like, 'Ah,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, I wish I could have made this play or that play,'" Quinn said. "But that's a great team,Cheap China Jerseys, as we all know, and we went toe to toe with them. "
"I guess I'm showing up pretty good."
Quinn also leads the Rams (3-5) with 13 tackles for loss and 21 quarterback hits.
Quinn said he's not really trying to rub it in, and there have been no complaints.
At the midpoint of the season, Quinn leads the NFC with 10 sacks. He's just the second Rams player to get 10 the first eight games of a season and the first since Kevin Greene also had 10 in 1988, according to STATS.

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