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發表於 2018-8-17 13:28:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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There must be a paradigm shift in the delivery of education in classrooms, says Minister of Education,Jae Crowder Jersey, Shaik Baksh. He noted that educators must move away from regurgitation in the classroom and focus on process orientation.Minister Baksh made those remarks on Thursday at the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) 77th Graduation of 515 trained teachers. The process-oriented approach must include critical thinking,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, problem solving, negotiation skills,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, communication skills,Wholesale MLB Jerseys 2018, and information processing skills. It is best utilized in the inquiry base approach in the teaching of Science in primary schools in terms of experiments.For this change to occur educators must realize that there is a strong link between quality teacher and quality outcomes. It was noted that the quality of the teaching force impacts significantly on the quality of education and consequently on the achievement of students at all levels.Referring to the Report of the CARICOM Commission on Youth Development, January 2010,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Minister Baksh stated that,Cheap China Jerseys, “Teachers are often ill-prepared to address the existing and emerging personal and societal challenges faced by youth.”He added that they are now called upon to facilitate learning by youth who are growing up in a fundamentally different environment from that in which they did. In particular the rapid integration of the new technologies into all aspects of their lives has transformed the way in which they think, receive and process information and view the world in general.“Rethinking and redefining education in the Caribbean context in order to prepare youth for the Information Society is an imperative which we cannot afford to ignore,Soccer Jerseys From China,” Minister Baksh stated.As such the Ministry is propelling the integration of information technology in the delivery of education. Minister Baksh posited that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has to begin at CPCE so that every teacher leaving the institution must be knowledgeable in this regard.He emphasized that last year 3,000 teachers were trained with basic computer knowledge and they must be able to integrate their acquired skills in the classroom. Training teachers how to operate a computer particularly as a teaching tool would be ongoing.

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