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發表於 2018-8-18 04:02:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Relatives of a 33-year-old man from Strathsphey,Wholesale NBA Jerseys Authentic, East Coast Demerara, are concerned about his safety,NBA Jerseys Store, after he mysteriously disappeared from his worksite at Buck Hall, Essequibo.Vickram Narine was last seen on September 28,NFL Jerseys Supply, but spoke to his relatives last Thursday night, October 18. That was also the last day the man reported for work at a plywood factory in Buck Hall and was last seen.The man’s mother-in-law Rohonie Sanichar,Custom Utah Jazz Jerseys, said they last spoke with Narine around midnight on October 18. The woman said she became concerned given the hour of the night the man called as it was very unusual.“He does normally call every weekend,Wholesale Jerseys China, because to call very expensive so when he call de night I didn’t believe was he and he tell me leh we neighbor come fuh collect he and I ask is who and he say ‘is me’ and he just hang up.”The woman said while he sounded strange, she did not read anything into the call until she received a call from his workmates saying that he has been missing.“Is only Friday he workmates call and tell we that he missing and dem tell we dem search,2018 NFL Draft Jersey, but dem ent find he nowhere.”Sanichar said only yesterday they were able to travel into the location to meet with the man’s employers. The woman said they were merely told that the man last reported to duty on October 18 and was scheduled to return the following day, but he did not show up. None of his colleagues claim to have seen or heard from him since. She added that the company reassured her that they are searching for her son-in-law.Sanichar said her son-in-law has never left their home without contacting his relatives more so his three children.“He would never go away without calling he wife and he don’t know dem area wheh he working… is bush… even if he lef the work compound he does left with the people from work,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys,” she related.The woman added that a report was made to the police and an all-station message has been sent out. The woman is pleading with members of the public to contact her on telephone numbers 690-9048 or 690-2905 if they have information on Vickram Narine’s whereabouts.

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