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發表於 2018-8-20 06:53:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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On Thursday, Guyana will join the rest of the world in observing International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, designated by the United Nations.This year, the day will be celebrated under the theme,Jerseys NFL Cheap, ‘Making Children and Youth Partners in Disaster Risk Reduction”.The Civil Defence Commission will host a series of events to coincide with the theme. The main event will be a grand exhibition on Thursday at the Sophia Exhibition Centre (Annex Building).The day of activities will include a cultural presentation by Youth Challenge Guyana, a briefing by Secretary General of the Guyana Red Cross Society, Ms. Dorothy Fraser and the feature address by National Disaster Coordinator, Dr. Roger Luncheon.Also on the occasion, the Civil Defence Commission will officially launch their new website created by Captain Kester Craig of the CDC.  The exhibition will be open from 10:30 hours to 17:30 hours. There will also be presentations from key stakeholders including the Guyana Red Cross Society.According to Head of the Civil Defence Commission, Colonel Chabilall Ramsarup, the exhibition will adopt a youth friendly approach through the use of interactive materials including games and activities that augur well for youth oriented education.It will include videos, audio, models and a variety of informative material and will go until 17:30hr. Equipment such as solar cookers, search and rescue equipment, radios, radar phones, rugged laptops, GPSs, plotters and other exhibits will also be added attractions. Ramsaroop added that the CDC will be working with agencies that play a key role in the lives of youth to execute the exhibition.United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urges member-states and organizations to scale up their financial, human and technology investments for disaster risk reduction, including the development of private and public sector partnerships (PPP).This date was designated by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) in 1989 to be used annually to promote a global culture of disaster reduction which includes disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness.

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