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發表於 2017-1-8 20:11:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Though billions of dollars are spent annually on improving road networks across Guyana,Danny Salazar Indians Jersey, Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn is of the view that a change in the road culture is necessary for the reduction of road deaths.Minister of Public Works Robeson BennDuring the commencement of a US$47M road project on West Coast of Demerara on Thursday, Minister Benn said that Guyana still faces a “significant issue” with respect to the proper and efficient use of the roads.He opined that though infrastructures were being provided, it was up to the road users to effectively use the roadways.“When we put the infrastructure in place,Kosuke Fukudome Cubs Jersey, we have the responsibility to ensure the intended use for the road is met. We have to ensure that the parameters in respect to travel time, in respect to road accidents and the associated fatalities and injuries would be met,” Benn said.He continued, “We need to see a change in the culture of use of the roads. We have to admit that our road culture is still poor; we have to admit that there are significant improvements we have to make in respect to this area. We have to admit that this situation cannot go on in the way that it is going at the moment.”Benn further said that relevant mechanisms for proper use of the road have to be put in place. He added that significant attention needed to be placed on enforcement in road use.“Because the very people who would have to benefit from the use of the road and who would have to pay too for the roads out of taxes and duties and all of those things,Wilmer Flores Mets Jersey, would not see the optimal benefits for the use of the road if the road and other infrastructure are not properly used,” the minister added.Benn further said that the government of Guyana has been working on upgrading a number of roads. However, he said, traffic safety was the most critical component up for consideration.The minister said,Johnny Cueto Giants Jersey, too, that it was important to engage in public safety awareness campaigns with citizens across the country. Benn also said He it was important for information on road safety to be passed along.Benn said, “If we do not change these behaviours we will continue to have the tremendous risks that we face. We will continue to have the tremendous grief that we face on our roads from time to time, as recently as we saw on the Burma Road where we have problems in respect to the proper use of the roads.”He went on, “We keep hearing about the carnage on our roads and the unacceptable levels of deaths,Jason Hammel Cubs Jersey, injuries and accidents.”Furthermore, Benn said that loss of life led to “hidden costs” including the loss of working time and the loss of “hard dollars”. “We don’t get the best and optimal use out of the investments we want to put in,Mark Lowe Orioles Jersey,” Benn added.Currently,Devon Travis Blue Jays Jersey, a number of road works are underway — the East Coast Demerara road project,Madison Bumgarner Giants Jersey, West Bank Road,Ike Davis Rangers Jersey, Canals #1 and #2 roads, and the East Bank Essequibo Road.

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