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Rock And Metal News recently conducted an interview with GENERATION KILL members Rob Dukes (vocals; also of EXODUS) and Jim DeMaria (drums). You can now watch the chat below.GENERATION KILL will release its debut album,Pablo Sandoval Red Sox Jersey, "Red White And Blood",Scottie Pippen Team USA Jersey, on September 16 in Europe and September 27 in North America via Season Of Mist. A digital single containing the CD's title track and a cover of the NINE INCH NAILS classic "Wish" is now available via iTunes. "Red White And Blood" was recorded at J. Rod Production Studios in New City,New York Mets David Wright Jersey, New York (where the vocal tracks for EXODUS' "Let There Be Blood" and OVERKILL's "Ironbound" were previously laid down)."Red,Jaromir Jagr Rangers Jersey, White and Blood" track listing:  01. Hate 02. Red White And Blood 03. Feast For The Wolves 04. Self-Medicating 05. Depraved Indifference 06. Slow Burn 07. Section 8 08. Walking Dead 09. Dark Days 10. Let Me Die 11. Wish (NINE INCH NAILS cover; bonus track)Commented the writing team of Rob Dukes and Rob Moschetti (bass, backing vocals): "This release is the most diverse project that either of the two of us been a part of. This is an honest, no-holds-barred album containing various styles of music. In a way,Jaylon Smith Cowboys Jersey, it is a bit of a selfish record. We wrote the kind of material that we like. You can't please everybody, so you might as well please yourself. Honestly,Asdrubal Cabrera Mets Jersey, that's what true art is. Freedom of expression."The song "Red White And Blood" is available for streaming on the band's Facebook page.According to a press release,Brandon Dubinsky Jersey, "The original concept of the band was to break away from the current formula by embracing their roots and incorporating them into the project."GENERATION KILL is a true crossover band. Each song has its own identity,Wholesale Jerseys, and mood, which gives the band its original sound without abandoning their influences."By adding two lead guitarist/songwriters to the band, a whole new dimension has been introduced to GENERATION KILL. "While Jason Trenczer adds technical guitar work, Lou Lehman adds catchy riffs and solos. "Each member of the band takes part in the writing process. "While each member has established himself in legendary and underground bands,Sergi Samper Jersey, let it be known that this is no side project." GENERATION KILL is:Rob Dukes - Vocals Rob Moschetti - Bass/Backing VocalsLou Lehman - Lead GuitarJason Trenczer - Lead Guitar Jim DeMaria - Drums

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