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– int’l conference slated for Sept.Following comments made by President Bharrat Jagdeo that the issue of climate change and Guyana’s offer of its rainforest in the service in the battle against the phenomenon, would be on the agenda of the meeting of Commonwealth Heads,nfl jerseys china, the leaders yesterday released a statement which detailed their decision on the issue.The Heads indicated that they intend to pursue the possibility of an international conference in order to achieve improved global environmental governance including the possibility of a new international organisation or a reform of the existing arrangements, working on the basis of a Commonwealth consensus and wider international support.“The effective management of the global environment is one of the most pressing international priorities of our generation. The impact of environmental degradation is most starkly felt in the smallest, poorest and most environmentally vulnerable countries,” a Commonwealth Secretariat release said.The leaders who met at Marlborough House, London to discuss Reform of International Institutions believe that a new system of environmental governance needs to be fully integrated with development priorities and concerns, and must be responsive to the needs of the countries.“In addition,wholesale jerseys china, a financing mechanism needs to be developed that underpins the linkage between development and the environment, and notably supports investment in long-term sources of energy and environmental efficiency,china jerseys cheap,” the release stated.The Commonwealth Heads of Government further noted that a comprehensive system of international governance is essential. Recognising that the Commonwealth is uniquely placed to play a leading role in this regard, the Heads cited the importance of collaboration now to build high levels of Commonwealth consensus on positions in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), negotiations.This, they said is needed in order for them to achieve early results and the strongest possible foundation on which to build the requisite global governance structure.“Commonwealth positions should be built around our shared view that the outcomes of the UNFCCC negotiations should address all aspects of the environment, including climate change, energy balance and the impact on global human development within the context of sustainable development,” they stated.Bearing all these in mind, the Heads have vowed to advance a programme of reform of international institutions as the world faces finance, food and fuel crises.“The Commonwealth will work closely with the institutions concerned. To that end, we will work with the wider Commonwealth community,china jerseys, including at an extraordinary meeting of Commonwealth Heads of Government on 24 September, 2008,” they announced.It was pointed out that guidance has been given to the Commonwealth Secretary-General to develop an Action Plan on Reform of International Institutions and the Commonwealth Heads will ensure that they use the full extent of their networks, including their civil society and professional associations.“We intend,cheap nfl jerseys store, individually and collectively,cheap nfl jerseys china, to carry forward our reform agenda to relevant international fora. We will seek to enlarge the breadth of international commitment to our Commonwealth reform agenda, and call on others to join us in this endeavour,” they affirmed.The meeting which took place Monday and yesterday comes on the heels of concerns raised by countries globally about the impact of climate change on vulnerable States especially.Guyana, one of four countries which still possess their rainforests, has offered to keep its forest intact to provide service to the rest of the world as it battles the phenomenon.President Bharrat Jagdeo has noted however that it is only fair that Guyana receives monetary compensation for this venture as it is the developed countries which have contributed most to the phenomenon through their high levels of carbon emissions in the atmosphere.Chaired by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Gordon Brown, the two-day meeting which ended today, included other Leaders such as Prime Minister of Mauritius, Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka, Prime Minister Patrick Manning of Trinidad and Tobago,cheap nfl jerseys online, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak of Malaysia and Vice President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama of Ghana.

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