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Wholesale Jerseys a caring attitude









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Monique’s Helping Hands Cotillion places as much emphasis on etiquette, manners and character education as it does on dancing.The social and character education components of the programme include rules of proper telephone courtesy, acknowledgments of gifts, introductions, receiving lines, participating in group settings,cheap jerseys usa, polite conversation, paying and receiving compliments, sports etiquette, first impressions, dress code for all occasions, manners in the home and in public places, table manners, formal place settings, styles of dining including Caribbean, American,cheap jerseys free shipping, European, Asian, and Continental,cheap jerseys nfl, skills involved in being a guest, hostess or host, and many other areas of social behavior.Other topics covered are the ethics involved in the areas of having honour,cheap jerseys, dignity,cheap nfl jerseys sale, respect, honesty,cheapjerseys.us, fairness, a caring attitude, accountability, and citizenship.The Junior Cotillion setting encourages young ladies to be comfortable together, make new friends and enjoy themselves. After constant practice in a peer group, young ladies are expected to leave the programme with the confidence and poise that comes from knowing the proper etiquette in any social situation.Instruction in dancing and etiquette is given throughout all sessions.Dance programmes consist of traditional dances such as the Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Shag / Swing, and Waltz; as well as current, popular dances. Music consists of current top forty hits that have been carefully screened for lyrics and content.The purpose of Monique’s Cotillion Programme is to offer students the opportunity to develop life skills that go beyond the CORE academics into areas of leadership, civility and community.  Monique’s Cotillion Programme challenges students to recognise that social skills build character and are essential in developing positive, successful relationships.In addition to the social education, Monique’s Cotillion Programme also includes dance as an important instruction tool.SOCIAL SKILLS & FIRST IMPRESSIONSRecent studies conducted by Harvard University,cheap nfl china jerseys, Stanford Research Institute, and The Carnegie Foundation have all led to the same conclusion: 85% of an individual’s success in getting a job,cheap china jerseys nfl, keeping a job and getting promoted in the job is directly related to social skills.According to Dawn Stewart,cheapjerseys.com, it is very interesting when you think we as parents do everything in our power to educate our children for their future, but quite often neglect to provide them with some of the very tools they need to excel in their future.Having good social skills is no longer a luxury but is a necessity for establishing rapport, appreciation and respect between family members, friends, business associates, or even strangers. In any social or business situation, the knowledge of social skills can lead to confidence, leadership and increased chances for success.Monique’s Cotillion Programme offers the education and the essential tools necessary to be confident and comfortable with anyone in any situation.

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