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[PS3] China Jerseys qrygty5q









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發表於 2018-10-2 17:10:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Thousands of locals and foreigners flocked the streets of the capital city as the nation celebrated Guyana’s 43rd Republic anniversary, under the theme ‘Reflecting Creativity, Embracing Diversity’.This 2013 theme proved true as Guyanese from all walks of life came out in their numbers. As usual they lined the Mash route and many were the picnic sites. This is the trend each year.Georgetown came alive with about 30 colourful floats sponsored by the various entities in the public and private sectors.They included residents of the hinterland communities, beverage companies, phone companies, popular night spots and dance groups. Yesterday saw,Cheap NFL Jerseys, too, a colourful road party in true Guyanese style.Families took up their spots along Merriman Mall with their beverage coolers and food baskets. They erected several makeshift tents to keep out the blazing sun and to get a glimpse of the parade.Bar-b-Que grills breathed smoke at almost every block. This proved to be a big sale day for food and beverage stalls.Mashramani is the celebration of Guyana’s attainment of Republican status. And like every year, it is the sweaty gyration of revelers and onlookers that depict the celebrations. February 23 is celebrated in a carnival-like atmosphere.Loud music, particularly from the genre of Soca, assailed the ears of those in the vicinity of the parade which moved from Church Street, onto Vlissingen Road, and into the compound of the National Park. Digicel and Banks DIH, as usual brought on a massive parade. Although there were threats of a possible shower, the floats were not hampered by the weather, which seemed to have cooperated to make the day worth remembering for some.If there was one thing different from last year’s celebration, it is the fact that several Government Ministers were not seen accompanying their floats.And although the parade ended later than many had hoped, the day’s activity could be deemed chockfull of entertainment, glitz and glitter.

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