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發表於 2018-10-6 17:41:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Michael JordanA desperate attempt to thwart investigations into the brutal slaying of 26-year-old carpenterFaiyaz Narinedatt (inset) and some of the victim’s clothes.Faiyaz Narinedatt has been thwarted,NFL Jerseys China, with ranks from the Major Crimes Unit (MCU) detaining two women who offered them $4M to release their relatives.The women in custody are the mother of the overseas-based man who allegedly ordered Narinedatt’s death, and the sister of one of the suspects, who is known as ‘Lloydie.’Nine people are now in custody for Narinedatt’s murder.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed yesterday that a hefty sum was offered to some members of the MCU to free a suspect.Instead of taking the money, the detectives set up a sting that led to the arrest of the two women who had offered the bribe.He said that the women are to be charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.“This serves as a message to those who believe that they can commit themselves,Maglia Juventus Bambino, and bribe their way out of being prosecuted,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys,” the Crime Chief said.“This is the second case in which persons have tried to bribe members of the Major Crimes Unit.”Kaieteur News understands that it was while one of the suspects was being subjected to intense interrogation on Friday that he indicated to the detectives that he could give them $4M. “to get him off”. He indicated that his relatives would bring the cash.According to a source, the alleged mastermind’s mother and the suspect’s 23-year-old sister turned up at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary yesterday with the money. They were promptly detained.COLLUSION REPORTS BEING PROBEDBut while the ranks from the Major Crimes Unit are being lauded for their integrity, other disturbing reports have surfaced which suggest that some of the detectives from Berbice may have hampered the murder investigation.This had led to senior officials putting the MCU team on the case.“These are some of the allegations that relatives (of the victim) have made, and these are being investigated,” a senior official said.Faiyaz Narinedatt’s battered body was found on the Number 70 Village,NBA Jerseys China, Corentyne on November 1. The autopsy was conducted by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Dingh.US-based Guyanese Marcus BisramInitial police reports had suggested that he was the victim of a hit-and-run accident.But an uncle of the 26-year-old carpenter said that from the inception, family members had received reports that Narinedatt was murdered. He said that relatives were told of the circumstances that led to the killing and of the identity of the perpetrators. This information was passed on to some detectives at Berbice, who failed to act on the leads.“”From the first day I tell (detective’s name given) we have five suspects and (overseas based Guyanese) make six,” the uncle said. “I even ask (detective’s name given) to check the car (in which the body was allegedly transported). He ask me what proof I got?”The relative alleged that the overseas-based alleged mastermind regularly feted some of the ranks, and allegedly entertained many of them at Number 63 Beach a few days after Narinedatt’s body was found. The suspect subsequently left for the United States.It was only when the MCU team joined the investigation that the truth of Narinedatt’s death was exposed.Last week,Jerseys NFL China, ranks from the Force’s Major Crimes Unit (MCU) obtained a statement from an individual who claims that Narinedatt was beaten to death after rejecting the sexual advances of an overseas-based Guyanese.They also have statements from two men who admitted to killing the carpenter and driving a vehicle over his body to stage a hit-and-run.The suspects include two youths aged 17 and 18, and known as ‘Bruck Hand’ and ‘Cheese Mouth.’ The ages of the others range from 20 to 49. Some of the aliases were given as “Patchie’, ‘Lloydie’’Rado’ and ‘Zubir.’The businessman who allegedly ordered the killing has reportedly returned overseas.The case broke this week after ranks from the Force’s Major Crimes Unit (MCU) took over the investigation.The witness has reportedly told police that on the day of the murder, the overseas-based Guyanese had a party at his home and the victim, the eyewitness and a few other persons were present.While the party was going on, the father of two went to the back of the yard to urinate, and the overseas-based Guyanese allegedly went behind him and allegedly started “feeling him up”.Narinedatt allegedly responded by slapping and “chucking” the overseas-based Guyanese, who reportedly then ordered his friends to kill Narinedatt.According to reports, the businessman told the men that he would ensure that they weren’t caught.Several men reportedly then beat Narinedatt at the businessman’s premises. The victim was then taken to a roadway and beaten until he fell into a drain.The men then took the seemingly unconscious carpenter by vehicle to Number 70 Village, Corentyne.After dumping Narinedatt on the roadway, one of the men drove a vehicle over the carpenter.Investigators have implicated 27-year-old US-based Guyanese, Marcus Bisram, in Narinedatt’s murder.Bisram is said to have been a born in Berbice,cheap nfl jerseys, but migrated to the US as a boy. He is the founder of the Marcus Brian Bisram Foundation.Last April, Bisram visited Number 70 Village, Corentyne,China Jerseys Cheap, and pledged $200M annually to the needy at Berbice.Bisram stated that he has been making donations to Guyana for the past seven years, through various non- profit organizations.His foundation has also pledged to build a home in Berbice for battered women and homeless children.During a ceremony at the Marriott Hotel last April, Bisram donated $672,000 to five Guyanese students from Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo.According to a posting on Bisram’s website, the US-based Guyanese received a Citation of Honour from the Borough of Queens, New York. He was described in the citation as “an exceptional human being and community leader.”Bisram’s website also has him posing with at least one high-ranking local politician.

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