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發表於 2018-10-7 12:50:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA) recently held its Dinner and Awards Ceremony at the Suresh Business Complex at Strand and New Streets in New Amsterdam.The ceremony which is an annual feature, marked the 79th  Anniversary of the Chamber which, was established in 1932. It is one of the oldest Chambers in the Country.Awardees pose with their plaques as Chamber President Imran Sacoor back left stands with other executive membersThe activity was well attended by the Business Community and addresses were   delivered by Charge D Affaires of the US Embassy Mr. Thomas Pierce and Chief Executive Officer of The Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company GT&T Yog Mahadeo who among other things expanded in depth on his company’s vision for communication transformation in Guyana.Mr. Pierce, in his address, elaborated on the relationship that the US shares with Guyana. He mentioned that several United States based entities have over the years shared fruitful relationships with the Guyanese Community.The contributions of the USAID and others in Guyana were also among other benefits and partnerships mentioned.   He promised that the Embassy will continue to work closely on preserving the good relationship between the two countries.Eight awards were presented, including the Business Excellence Award which went to business Magnate A. Ally and Sons chains of stores in Berbice.A. Ally and Sons have four chain stores in Berbice with head office at Main and Coopers Lane in New Amsterdam and offers online shopping.The business which has been in existence for over 25 years employs over 150 employees and stocks over 50,000 items. This business has continuously expanded over the last five years and CEO Mr. Faizal Ally, has indicated that the business will continue to expand further in 2012.The Academic Achievement Award went to Ms Shallita Appadu of Corentyne for being the top CSEC performer in Guyana with 15 grade ones.Sports Ambassador Award was presented to National Under 15 cricketer Shimron Hetmyer of East Canje.The Community Service Award was presented to Nurse/ Midwife and head community health Visitor in Berbice Nurse Terry Davis.The Business Continuity Award was presented to Persaud Garage and Funeral Home of New Amsterdam and Corentyne.Long Service Award went to New Amsterdam Businessman and Former Chamber president and long serving member Ramesh Maraj,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, while the Sports Organisation Award was presented to the Universal DVD/ Berbice Titans.Former Chamber president and former Chief Labour Officer Mr. Norman Semple was bestowed with a Honorary Membership award.The award ceremony is an annual affair and according to Chamber President Imran Saccoor the chamber will be making the activity a bigger and better affair come 2012.

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