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[平板電腦] Wholesale Jerseys Online xocon14s









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發表於 2018-10-9 03:46:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After being involved in an accident on June 27, 53-year-old Abdul Sheriff, who suffered multiple injuries, is now warded in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).When Kaieteur News visited the sick man yesterday, his wife was at his bedside, as she lamented that he could not recognize her. Sheriff was uttering words which could not be deciphered clearly,Cheap Jerseys Online, however,Stitched Jerseys, “pain” was one word which he kept using.His distraught wife explained that she was at their home located at Farm village, East Bank Demerara (EBD), on the day of the incident, around 18:00 hrs (6pm), when she received a telephone call alerting her that her husband was involved in an accident.She immediately rushed to the East Bank Regional Hospital (Diamond Diagnostic & Treatment Centre) where her husband was screaming and crying out for pain. As his condition worsened he was transferred to the GPHC’s High Dependency Unit (HDU).Kaieteur News understands that the woman is not too clear about how the accident occurred, though she was told that Sheriff was walking along the road, when the truck driver apparently lost control of his vehicle and it struck her husband.She told this newspaper that her husband is employed as a security guard at the Herstelling Housing Scheme, EBD.According to a relative of the injured man,Cheap NFL Jerseys, when the individual who was operating the truck at the time of the accident was contacted,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he told the woman “I get charge for dangerous driving. Anything else my boss will handle it.”Kaieteur News was also told that Sheriff suffered severe head injuries,Cheap Jerseys, his right hand was broken in five places; he has a damaged lung and multiple fractures to his rib cage. He cannot eat,China Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and it is difficult for him to even digest any liquids.Furthermore,Wholesale China Jerseys, he has become delirious and had to be restrained in his bed.

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