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– intended to help improve management of facilityA new position has been created at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). It is expected to help improve the management of the facility. The new position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer has been advertised in the daily newspapers and the deadline for applications is October 7,Yeezy Scarpe Italia, 2016.Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Carl ‘Max’ Hanoman, is being credited, along with members of the Board, with creating the position.When contacted yesterday, Dr. Hanoman said that the decision to create the position was nestled in the realisation that the hospital cannot be efficiently managed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) alone. The CEO position is currently being held by Mr. Michael Khan who has come under fire for some questionable management decisions highlighted in a recently completed audit report.Although there were reports suggesting that Khan will have to vacate the position based on the findings, Dr. Hanoman assured yesterday that he is still on the job but could proceed on entitled annual leave shortly.Once appointed, the Deputy CEO is expected to support Khan and fill the void when Khan proceeds on leave.But the decision to create the position is somewhat controversial since earlier this year, an individual was reportedly hand-picked for the very position.  This publication had learnt that the individual, a Mr. Paul Clarke, had presented himself to senior officials at the public hospital informing them that he was sent by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, Mr. Trevor Thomas, to assume the position of Deputy CEO.Clarke had reportedly invited the senior officials to a meeting.At the time, Khan was on administrative leave. Acting in his absence was Mr. Alan Johnson who at the time had proceeded on sick leave, leaving Director of Medical and Professional Services, Dr. Sheik Amir, to fill the gap.Clarke’s presence was not endorsed by the hospital’s Board of Directors. Thomas, when contacted, had assured that he had nothing to do with the purported appointment. In fact, government had addressed the matter insisting that it had no knowledge of such an appointment.Several officials had condemned the purported appointment claiming that not only was there no such position in existence, but even if one was to be created there must be transparency in the process.A member of the Board had told this publication that “we are governed by rules and regulations…A position like (Deputy CEO) if it exists, should be advertised and interviews done before an appointment could be made. The Government has said that it wants transparency and that is what we are working towards – transparency.”Moreover, Clarke’s “tenure” at the hospital ended almost as quickly as it started.Clarke had reportedly previously held the position of manager at the Cheddi Jagan Dental Centre.Speaking to this publication yesterday Dr. Hanoman said that the Board had discussed and found the need to create the position of Deputy CEO.“We have found that the management of this hospital might be too much for the CEO alone so we have created this position to help with efficiency,” Dr. Hanoman disclosed.According to the details of the advertised position, suitable applicants should possess a Masters Degree in Public Administration from a recognised institution plus eight years’ experience at a senior administrative level. However, applicants could instead have a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, Public Management or Business Administration from a recognised institution, plus 10 years working experience at a senior administrative level.Additionally, all applicants are expected to have sound knowledge of the health sector and hospital administration. Further, the advertisement outlined that suitable applicants must possess excellent interpersonal skills that allow for effective communication.

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